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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

USDA: 1 in 4 Americans Receive Food Assistance

The U.S. Department of Agriculture said about a quarter of all Americans receive food aid from government programs, and that the agency has responsibility for helping people make healthier food choices.

"Approximately 1 in 4 Americans participated in at least one of the 15 food and nutrition assistance programs at some point during FY 2013, making these programs fundamental to the nutritional well-being of millions of Americans," the USDA said in a statement, according to The Washington Free Beacon.

As part of its drive to "nudge" Americans toward eating healthier, the USDA announced it is setting up a new $2 million research center called the Center for Behavioral Economics and Healthy Food Choice Research. The center will fund research on "facilitating food choice behaviors" and improving the diets of people on food stamps, according to the Free Beacon.

"The USDA Center will facilitate new and innovative research on the application of behavioral economics theory to healthy food choice behaviors that would contribute to enhancing the nutrition, food security, and health of American consumers," the USDA said in an announcement calling for grant applications.



  1. Lazy bunch of moochers.

  2. don't hate... I purchase all my summer patio party crabs with my Independence card. I'm putting lazy Waterman to work.
    Your Welcome

  3. Shameful that our country has sunk this low. Yes, some people have a legitimate need, but do we really need to advertise in MEXICO to come to our country and get food stamps??? My tax dollars pay for that! I am furious that we invite ILLEGAL people--yes illegal you libs!! They are breaking our laws by being here, and we give them everything while our veterans receive the crappiest care and they struggle on their hard earned veteran benefits.

  4. Thank you OweBama.. you are a disgrace.

  5. 5:27 we as a country need to stop saying "some people have a legitimate need" to defend every social program out there. it is out of control, it needs to stop, we are broke, we have created a generation of lazy leaches. end it

  6. I remember when people wanted to work and did. And I also remember when families took care of their own. Now we expect the government to pay for food and housing and health care and on and on. We've lost the battle. There is no going back. Our spirits have been broken. Thanks Dems, thanks.


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