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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Unraveling of Iraq

The Unraveling of Iraq is Playing Out Just as Dick Cheney Predicted
He launched a war that he knew would be futile and catastrophic.

“Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.” — Emperor Palpatine, The Return of the Jedi

Jon Stewart made great comedic hay during the Bush Administration out of the enormity of Dick Cheney’s “Sith Lord” malevolence. Events in Iraq in the past week have made especially palpable Cheney’s Palpatine-like quality.

As Iraq unravels, you may suspect that Cheney might now be, along with his fellow Iraq War architects, wringing his hands over how President Obama ruined what still could have been a splendid little nation-building project. Yet, as radio host Scott Horton indicated recently, he is more likely looking on at the debacle, along with those who opposed both him and the war all along, as the arrival of the inevitable.

In the first Bush Administration, Cheney was Secretary of Defense, and helped plan the first invasion of Iraq during the Persian Gulf War. In that war, he agreed with the decision not go all the way and overthrow the dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein. This was extremely frustrating for the neocons, who were baying for Baghdad blood even then.



  1. still trying to blame it on bush

  2. exactly! obama's been president long enough that nothing that happens now is bush's fault.

  3. Really 3:02? Bush and his cronies invaded Iraq on a false premise. He destroyed Iraq and look what we have now. I am not a liberal

  4. Yes sadaam is dead

  5. How much Haliburton stock does Cheney hold now?

  6. Why are we being told of every movement in Iraq? We do not need to know that.How can anyone be outraged about events occurring 7,000 miles away?


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