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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I’m Sick Of Being Labeled An Islamophobe For Stating The Truth

A week ago Barack Hussein Obama stated that the “world is less violent” during a Tumblr interview session – as his acolytes lapped it up. Is he really that clueless?

Islamic terrorist group al-Shabab proves it so. According to Yahoo News, Dozens of extremists (i.e. Islamic terrorists) attacked a Kenyan coastal town for hours, killing those who couldn’t answer questions about Islam and those who didn’t know the Somali language, officials and witnesses said Monday.

At least 48 people were killed and two hotels were set on fire. The assault in Mpeketoni began Sunday night as residents watched World Cup matches on TV and lasted until early Monday, with little resistance put up by Kenya’s security forces. Cars and buildings still smoldered at daybreak.


  1. Very well said and so true.

  2. No one should ever be sick of being labeled a "phobic" anything. It's a sign of a weak person who is falling to politically correctness. Politically correct people are nothing more than socially engineered shells of what was once a thinking human being. They need deprogramming.

  3. Religion of Peace...

  4. The footage of the killings are only shocking to a few of the older generations. Its normal for the young, X Box players.

  5. A counter point.

    Every should know and readily accept that theses horrors are carried out by a small percentage of people that worship Islam. To lump normal people in with them is in fact phobic or just ignorant.

    BTW what do you think the rest of the world thinks about you? If you apply the same logic to our country then you, me and all of Americans are completely evil. I am not evil. I am sure you are not evil. Yet we get lumped in with the idiots in Washington.

    Is the real problem Islam or is it the 3rd world nations with money. They are living 200 years behind us. And 200 years ago this is what people did. I think it is an information issue and the fix is not one that you can not force on anyone. Not without killing them anyway. Which politicians are more than happy to do. Which creates more backlash in an ever tightening spiral that is picking up speed. Its time to admit that we are creating our own opposition, HOME AND ABROAD.


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