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Friday, June 13, 2014

Retired Native American Chief Would Be Offended If Redskins Did Change Name

Days ago, ten members of Congress sent letters to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, Redskins owner Daniel Snyder, and the team’s stadium naming rights holder FedEx, along with the league’s 31 other franchises, urging them to have ‘Redskins’ changed due to the name’s offensive nature.

In response, the longtime chief of a major Virginia-based tribe went on the record to say he’d actually be offended if the team DID change the name.

Robert “Two Eagles” Green, who retired from his presiding role over the 1300-member Patawomeck Tribe in March, was a guest on SiriusXM NFL Radio’s “The Opening Drive” on Wednesday.



  1. OMG, Truth superceeds whacko radicalism.

    Who knew?

  2. Members of congress wasting time on this BS. What the hell is going on in Washington? The country is falling apart and we are trying to change a name of a team in sports!!
    Just think about it , what in the hell is the government doing in this stupid matter? I guess I answered my own question , stupid is as stupid does.

  3. Is Nancy Pilosi behind this stupid crap? You can be sure who is ever is behind it isn't a football fan.

  4. When I see the name Redskins in reference to the Football team. I think of native americans and it make me think how bad we screwed them. I think of a poud people. If I did not see the name so often , I would not think of our native American's so often. I say keep the name , it is not a negative term.
    I think we should have a baseball team called the Monarchs so would keep in mind of one of the greatests baseball teams to ever play the game.


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