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Friday, June 13, 2014

Almost Two Years Later, Nuns Are Still Fighting Against The Strip Club Next To Their Convent

It’s been almost two years since we first heard about a group of Illinois nuns who really, really didn’t want a new strip club to open next door to their convent. The fight isn’t over yet, as a neighboring village has just joined the sisters’ lawsuit against the adult entertainment venue.

Joining the nuns in their crusade to shut down the club that sits in the town of Stone Park is the village of Melrose Park, where the convent is located. The club sits inches from the convent’s fence line in the neighboring village, reports NBC 5 in Chicago.

Despite the fact that the sisters were unable to prevent the opening of the club, the fight goes on with the village voting to join them in their lawsuit — set to be filed this week — against the club and the Village of Stone Park, which gave the club its license last year.

“This goes against our whole fiber, our well-being,” said one sister who lives in the structure bordering the club’s property. “We’ve been here more than 70 years,” she said. “We’re fighting for a safe, healthy environment here. And for the club to close.”



  1. Why not just use it as bait to attract and heal the heathens that will come? Sounds to me more like an opportunity than a threat.

    Faith is hard work.

  2. Zoning is a different animal than it used to be.The height of a sign can be a major issue but a strip club can move in next to a convent.Variables such as that are a nationwide problem.10:42 has the best advice;consider it an opportunity vs a threat.


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