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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

On Friday, the IRS Dropped the Pretense: It's Not Sorry

On Friday, the IRS commissioner showed the agency’s true colors. Forget theapologies. Forget humility. Forget about the targeting of conservative groups withunconstitutional questions, the selective audits, the unlawful disclosures of confidential information, the collusion with the FBI and FEC to manufacture criminal cases out of whole cloth, the lost emails, or the multiple additional computer crashes. The real outrage was that conservatives are actually upset about all this. Watch the exchange between Congressman Ryan and Commissioner Koskinen again:



  1. Blatantly lying, can't someone just get up out of their chair and beat the piss out of this bastard?

  2. They are trying to start a civil war. When it starts and Marshall law is declared they will have accomplished their final objective.


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