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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

NIGHTMARE NEXT DOOR Calif. pays to house rapist — next door to rape victim

Nearly 60 years after a neighbor snatched toddler Sharon Duvernay from her family's backyard and raped her, the now-retired school teacher is getting a new neighbor -- the infamous "Pillowcase Rapist," a serial sex offender responsible for at least 40 attacks in the 1970s and 1980s.

Christopher Hubbart, 63, who confessed to raping at least 40 women in Los Angeles and San Francisco between 1971 and 1982, will be released from a state psychiatric facility and placed in a home in Lake Los Angeles by July 7, Capt. Don Ford of the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station, a subdivision of the Los Angeles County Sheriff, told FoxNews.com Wednesday.



  1. 40 rapes? This man should've been killed!

  2. For $2400 a month he can move into a house next door to the Governor or some state lawmakers house or maybe the doctor that said he is better.

  3. I would BURN THAT HOUSE TO THE GROUND!!!!! NO house - no neighbor!


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