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Friday, June 13, 2014

Obama RELEASED warlord head of ISIS extremist army five years ago

The United States once had Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi in custody at a detention facility in Iraq, but president Barack Obama let him go, it was revealed on Friday.

Al Baghdadi was among the prisoners released in 2009 from the U.S.'s now-closed Camp Bucca near Umm Qasr in Iraq.

But now five years later he is leading the army of ruthless extremists bearing down on Baghdad who want to turn the country into an Islamist state by blazing a bloody trail through towns and cities, executing Iraqi soldiers, beheading police officers and gunning down innocent civilians.



  1. More evidence our so called president is a Muslim.

    Wake up America because if you don't we will be a nation under siege.

  2. send obama and family along with holder,sharpton and jackson to clean up the mess obummer made.

  3. What a sad excuse for a President. In point of fact he is a sad excuse for an American.

  4. As he said about Benghazi "it's just a bump in the road".

  5. Well, at this point, "What does it matter?"


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