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Friday, June 13, 2014

6 Exercises That Can End Your Back Pain

Back pain. It’s something virtually everyone experiences at some point in life, striking 80 percent of all Americans. It's a leading cause of hospital emergency room visits and a primary reason billions of dollars are spent each year on painkillers, back surgery, and other expensive treatments.

But Patrick Roth, M.D., one of the nation's top neurosurgeons, says there's a better way to banish back pain — whether it's caused by arthritis, disc problems, or that weekend warrior mentality that causes so many to overdo it at the gym, on the tennis court, or the golf course.

In his new book, "The End of Back Pain," Dr. Roth — the chairman of neurosurgery at Hackensack University Medical Center — details how to eliminate discomfort in as little as six weeks through a series of easy-to-perform exercises that strengthen the core muscles of the back.


  1. The from here's don't want to get rid of their ailments.They even sit around & try to outdo each other with things like bad backs and scars.If you have a headache they have a brain tumor.If you have a stiff joint they've had a hip replacement.If they woke up tomorrow morning 100% healed they would be devastated.

  2. 2:30, what a stupid comment.

    Try this one on for size.

    All the come-heres whine if they break a fingernail while jogging with their baby strollers or have to get up to do a real job, like plowing, milking and harvesting their own bean sprouts.

    Ah, generalizations! Don't they just make human relations grand?

  3. brilliant 2:30...go back to sleep now!

  4. Well, thanks! I've had my belly laugh for the day! LOL!

    ...oh, dang... I broke a nail...

  5. But seriously,I can't count the times when local people have practically ripped their shirts open just to show someone their scars.Before they could even tuck their shirt back in some other local was shirtless to show theirs.Scars are very competitive things around here.


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