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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Obama goes golfing during Palm Springs vacation as Iraq implodes

President Barack Obama spent last weekend on the golf course and on vacation in Palm Springs, California while his National Security team took charge of monitoring the increasing unrest in Iraq, it was revealed on Monday.

According to reports filed by journalists on the trip of the president's comings and goings, President Barack Obama spent Saturday afternoon and most of Sunday at exclusive resorts playing golf with White House aides.

Meanwhile, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and her team were tasked with coming up with a plan to stop al Qaeda linked terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) from overtaking Baghadad.

Some U.S. embassy workers were also evacuated from Iraq on Sunday while the president was out golfing.



  1. Well cut the guy a break....He doesn't know how to play a fiddle so golfing while the world goes to H in a handbasket is the best he can do!

  2. Bet they have phones in Palm Springs too.

  3. wonder if his handicap has gone down with all this practice. Wait his hdcp is his swing!


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