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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Is this why no one found WMDS in Iraq?

Yes, prior to Gulf War 2, all sorts of people were lying about WMDs in Iraq. There was the whole business about the yellowcake and Niger, and Colin Powell speaking before the UN.

There was a WMD depot in Iraq that wasn’t a depot.

There were people who said they had secret evidence Saddam shipped weapons out of the country. And maybe they did have evidence.

But this is a different story. It involves the prospect of inspectors finding very serious weapons and then saying:

“Wait! The weapons’ containers have American labels on them!”



  1. Thank you.Now the last 12 or so years makes perfect sense.

  2. Of course Iraq had WMD...we have the sale receipts

  3. ive said this from day 1. everyone thought i was being blind. we had been giving iraq weapons for years to try to fight iran for us.

  4. If I remember correctly, we threatened invasion for weeks, maybe even months, plenty of time for them to hide the WMD anywhere in the desert or mountains. I firmly believe more will eventually turn up.

  5. They've dug up whole jet fighters Saddam buried in the desert!!
    Of course there are WMD's. He used them to murder thousands of Kurdish civilians!


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