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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Obama defends trading five Taliban leaders for Bowe Bergdahl

Obama defends trading five Taliban leaders for Bowe Bergdahl - but admits the freed terrorists could attack the US again

  • It's 'absolutely' possible the prisoners the U.S. released form Guantanamo Bay could rejoin terrorist cells, President Barack Obama said today 
  • But the U.S. has an obligation to not leave soldiers behind, he said
  • 'I wouldn't be doing it if I thought that it was contrary to American national security,' he told reporters at a press conference in Warsaw, Poland
  • Obama suggested that he did not violate federal law by making the trade without congressional approval because his administration consulted with Congress 'for some time' about the possibility
  • He also brushed aside questions about Bergdahl's capture by insurgents in 2009, saying the circumstances of his departure from base are irrelevant

President Barack Obama defended his decision to release five detainees from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl today, saying the country had an obligation to not leave its military personnel behind.

'Is there a possibility of some of them trying to return to activities that are detrimental to us? Absolutely,' Obama said during today's press conference of the recently released detainees.'That's been true of all the prisoners that were released from Guantanamo. There's a certain recidivism rate that takes place.'

But the president added, 'I wouldn't be doing it if I thought that it was contrary to American national security.'



  1. Obama says that they will probably rejoin the Taliban to fight again. Then he says he wouldn't have released them if he thought they would be a threat to our National Security. Does this man even have a brain?

  2. There is no defense for breaking the law. He is guilty and should be impeached.

  3. He's not a soldier. He's a deserter. If I were one of those parents who lost a son who was looking for this non-hero , I'd be out for blood.

  4. Well Mr. Wonderful - You did it again!!! Really? You just SLAPPED ALL of our MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN in the face!! If I was them, I would get on a plane and come home and say - Screw You!! You just defeated our whole purpose of them protecting OUR COUNTRY!!

  5. Obama is an idiot. To trade a deserter for five terrorists is treason. I'm a veteran and this pisses me off.

  6. I'm more worried having that clown back on US soil. Should have left him, killed the 5 prisoners, and stop wasting money on them.

  7. Obammy says we don't leave one of ours behind. Well, what about that Marine in a Mexican prison? Is he not one of ours? Or does the Marine have to wait 5 years and have at least 6 others killed before obammy will attempt to bring him home?

    Or does the Marine have to convert to Islam first? Or become a deserter and traitor before obammy will give him a second thought? Just making a wrong turn is not enough drama?


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