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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

New Orleans School District Shuts All City-Run Schools

A district in the city of New Orleans will close all of its city-run schools next week. Permanently.

This is Katrina for the American Federation of Teachers. Blown away. Washed out. Floating face down. The teachers will never again exercise the strike threat against the district.



  1. We really need that here!

  2. Hopefully, this will signal a new start for education. The teacher unions have proven that they are nothing but parasites who do nothing but take until there is nothing else left to take. These unions, comprised mostly of communists democrats, have never had the true interest of education or the children at heart.

  3. 248, maybe some teachers, but the major problem is the management, the BOE, and the federal BOE. All union thugs and money grabbers without any regard for education, (the real kind, where kids learn cool stuff).

    Yes, that announcement would be very welcome in Wicomico, and next year we would beat the pants off Worcester County's constant rant that they are the best schools in MD!


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