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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

EMILY MILLER: DOJ accused of targeting gun industry with 'Choke Point' program

The Obama administration, after failing to get gun control passed on Capitol Hill, has resorted to using its executive power to try to put some in the firearms industry out of business, House Republican investigators say.

The assertion is included in a report recently released by California GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Citing internal Justice Department documents, the committee concluded that the administration used a program known as Operation Choke Point to target legal companies that it finds “objectionable.”



  1. Kind of like the EPA legislation to the coal industry! Bully techniques when the vote won't go your way!

  2. I hope this is true. There are far too many guns and ammunition in this country.

  3. wrong 10:03
    there are not enough

  4. Hey 10:03, you got a problem with the Second Amendment because if you do, why don't you renounce your citizenship and find a country that better suits your needs?? Apparently you're not bright because if you were you would realize that it's own government buying up most of the ammo and for what reason? The framers of our Constitution knew that one day our government would turn on it's own citizens and that is exactly why the Second Amendment was included in our Constitution.


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