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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Look Who We Found At Delmar Elementary


  1. I voted for M.J. last week! Went in again today just to check on the System... they said their machine indicated I had voted already. I said, "That's exactly what it is supposed to say!" So, at least that part of our system is working like it's supposed to.

    Good luck, MJ!

  2. Hello, soon to be Judge Caldwell!

  3. MJ

    Sorry that they would not let me vote for your today -- because I had last week!

  4. I know a lot of Republicans that voted for Sarbanes and a lot of them were campaigning for him today. It made me sick and I should list their names on here. They are disgusting sheeple that can't think for themselves. But he's a nice guy, blah, blah, blah.

  5. Well Hell, Rick Politt believes you should vote for him twice.

  6. Maybe those Republicans know something you don't know. It wouldn't be the first time.

  7. 9:00 p.m. that is your problem they were thinking for themselves and not just good ole' party voters!! List them they are proud, they made there decision and choice you make yours.


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