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Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Today's Voting Experience

I would like to share an experience and some related thoughts on today's voting.

Upon arriving at the Pemberton Elementary School voting registration table, I presented my driver's license and voter ID card. The lady at the table said she did not need them and I told her, with a smile, that she should, to which she responded that she wasn't allowed to. Then she started the check in process. I gave her all the information she asked for, name; first and last, DOB, and address, which by the way was on my driver's license that I had presented to her. She couldn't find me in the system. A second person came over to help her, with two other people looking over her and finally they got me registered. One of the other people looking over this whole process said that maybe I was one of the people who's district had changed. I then told them that the sample ballet that I had received last week, had Pemberton School on it as my voting place, which by the way hasn't changed in almost 40 years. After much searching and re-entry of the information, my registration was complete. She then printed out a ticket for me to verify the information on it and sign. This ticket has my voter ID number on it, which I then verified from my voter ID card.

I was able to vote, but my point is we are required by law to have a drivers license to not only drive but for many other activities. For those who do not drive, some form of ID is required for various things, such as check cashing, setting up bank accounts, medical procedures, airline & train tickets, passports, etc. The DMV issues ID cards and are they easily obtainable. So the argument that the poor, the minorities, the handicapped, or any other group that someone wants to add, would be disenfranchised is pure baloney. We are required to register to vote and therefore are issued a voter ID card. That is no harder than getting some form of ID. WHY NOT REQUIRE THEM BOTH WHEN VOTING!!!!! It would have saved the confusion that I experienced this morning plus it would help eliminate voter fraud and help these people that run the voting stations.

Since no ID was required other than me giving the information verbally, I could also go in and vote for my father, who died 18 months ago. I have all of his pertinent information, so what's to stop me! It would fraudulent, but we all know that this sort of thing happens. To believe otherwise is foolish. So why is it that not every citizen, republican or democrat, conservative or liberal, etc., who cares about our country, our jobs, our well being, our constitution, is not up in arms about this and requiring our elected leaders to do something to correct this abuse of our right to vote.

Voting is not only a right, but also a privilege, that should be taken seriously by every citizen. Remember, the rights that you do not exercise and fight for, are the ones that you will loose!

Tom Goslee


  1. Sorry to hear about your father passing. Please accept my condolences for your loss.

  2. Last election I went to Cypress street @ the Firehouse to vote even though that was changed as my polling place they sent me to my former place Harvest Baptist Church who called Cypress St. and had me return there. This year I filed for an absentee ballot so much easier and less stressful.

  3. I did the same thing. My husband and I produced our drivers licenses last week and they said they did not need it. We shook our heads and wonder why there is so much fraud!

  4. When I voted today I said don't you want to see my I'd. The lady said no and ask my address dare of birth and then sign the card. 8 said I could be voting for a dead person. She just laughed. After 8 voted as I was leaving I said to the lady.Now I guess I'll go and vote for my dead dad. AgaiN she just laughed.

  5. I had a very similar experience at the church in Tyaskin on rt. 349 . I did not have to present any I.D. and the very large lady was as dumb as a brick.

  6. Well said Tom, your dad would really be proud.

  7. I have never voted and I probably will never vote. I will not say to any person, "tell me what to do", "how to do it" and "when to do it". I do not want any masters. Nobody has my best interests at heart except me. Popular vote does not elect people, the 'electoral college' elects who they want to win. It's all a sham.

    Therefore, do not part with your freedom.

    Don't vote!

    Instead of intrusting the defence of your interests to Others, see to the matter by yourselves. Instead of trying to choose advisers that will guide you in future actions, do the thing yourselves, and do it now! Men of good will shall not have to look long in vain for the opportunity.

    To put on others' shoulders the responsibility of one's actions is cowardice.

    Don't vote!

    Voting for the least stinky pile of dog crap still leaves you with a pile of dog crap.

    If you vote, you really can't complain since voting is signing a contract that you will obey whatever the person elected says to do, whether or not it is the person you voted for that won.

    By voting you are giving up another small piece of your freedom. You are legitimizing the slave/master type of government, and we all know which one is the slave and which one is the master.

    You want to take back our country? You have to do it yourselves.Sending another into the corrupt system of government to be corrupted themselves will solve what?

    Stop giving your freedoms and power away. Take it back and use it. Effect the changes you want to see.

    Vote, and expect to be disappointed yet again, lied to yet again and your wishes to be ignored, yet again.

    Have not history and current events taught you anything?

  8. Liberal democrats have fought hard to do away with ID's so that the voting process can be manipulated to their favor.

  9. hey 4:19
    I thought I was in bad shape as far as needing a shrink , but you get the prize!

  10. Unsure of why they would change my polling place when I live directly across the street and less than a block from the polling place I have been using for 20 years. Ridiculous!

  11. We insisted on showing our ID's...you have to show an ID to get onto the schools now..and for everything else, but not for something as important as voting?

  12. How do you verify your identity with an absentee ballot?
    How could identification be positively made to use an absentee ballot, and then verified as having been the actual voter requesting it?

  13. When I received the absentee ballot you have to provide identification such as a drivers license or ID with a picture and another form of identification and return copies of those with your voter form, which you fill out providing your ss #, and mailing address.


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