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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Judge Rules US 'No-Fly' List Is Unconstitutional

Current handling of the "no-fly list" of terrorist suspects barred from commercial flights over US airspace was ruled unconstitutional Tuesday by a federal judge in Oregon.

In a 65-page ruling, published on the web site of the federal courts, Judge Anna Brown handed a major victory to 13 Muslim plaintiffs, including the imam of a Portland, Oregon mosque.

Importantly, Brown said the system as it exists does not give people a meaningful way to challenge their status on the list.

"The right to travel is a part of the 'liberty' of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment," she said.



  1. Well I hope she is on one of the planes with these dirtbags when they hijack another plane then we will see how understanding and liberal she is

  2. I will personally find out next Friday if anything has changed.I only plan on flying to Dallas,but I am routinely refused a ticket.

  3. 4:10 Why? If you look like a terrorist and dress like a terrorist and smell like a terrorist then there's your answer. Personally I prefer not to fly with Muslims.

  4. ..."the system as it exists does not give people a meaningful way to challenge their status on the list."

    Yeah, it does. It's called a court of law. What'd you do to get your name on that list? Can you fix that. Is it "constitutional"?

  5. Keep cheering idiots the patriot act and no fly list is un constitutional...if he is TSA cavity searched to fly ...whats the problem?

  6. Lol 507... You actually think there is a court of law involved in the "no-fly" list? Get yourself informed before you try and talk down to people.

  7. Do they have a no-ride list for buses and trains?

  8. They should have a do not travel list too. That would keep some of the narrow minded shore folks from infecting other part of the country.

  9. 4:40-I have no idea why I was red flagged.


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