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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hillary: We Can’t Let Gun Control Opponents Hold an Opinion That “Terrorizes” America


  1. trying to take our guns and messing with the second amendment might be the one thing that starts chaos in our country...

  2. We also shouldn't allow extremist to take over our Embassy, drag officials into the street, beating them, removing their genitals, and murdering them. But, we did... Ignorant woman, and more ignorant are the people who are giving her the idea that she would be a good president. FFS, wake up. I'd trust ANY gun control opponent over ANY politician EVERY SINGLE DAY.

  3. She's absolutely right.

  4. She is right. She was speaking about herself because gun control people are the minority here. However, she has always been good at lying.


  5. Consider the source:

    Failed DC Bar exam
    Fired from Watergate investigation
    Rose Law Firm partner cuz Slick Willie was governor
    Commodity trading profits
    WalMart Board member cuz Willie was governor
    Whitewater land deal
    White House Travel office purge
    Missing legal records miracle
    'Under fire' in Bosnia

    Just lie after lie....

  6. keep your guns. get rid of hillary

  7. To properly fulfill the intent of the Constitution, the civilian population should have weapons equal to those of the government.

  8. see aholes like her want the American people disarmed, because they have bodyguards carrying weapons to protect them. This way they can enrich themselves while screwing us and they know we can't do shit about it! but when the people have had enough and come looking for these aholes like her well then they know what will happen to them!
    Hillary go home and f your scumbag husband so the rest of the women in America will be safe from that lying predator you call husband! leave us alone!


  9. It's 3 a.m. and the phone rings. Do you know where your cankles are?


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