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Friday, June 13, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Obama tells Iraq's leaders to 'solve their problems'

President Obama tells Iraq's leaders to 'solve their problems,' but says he is reviewing possible military response to Al Qaeda-aligned militants overrunning cities and moving toward Baghdad.

From Fox News


  1. Just nip it in the bud.

  2. Got to keep that campaign promise.. at what ever cost. What incompetence.

  3. The problems the US gov't created. Got it.

  4. Smartest thing obama's ever said. The abomination can't even solve the problems of the US so he has absolutely ZERO business either suggesting or telling other countries how to solve theirs.

  5. More evidence of how out of touch this guy is.

  6. 1:12 You are correct. After 5 years of Obama, his policies are now beginning to come to fruition.

    Heaven help us all.

  7. This country need to take care of their own problems and issue. We need to rebuild our military right here at home just in case we are challenged by another country.

  8. 4:54 We've identified our enemy. He's in the White House.

  9. Obama to Iraq, suck it up cupcake.

  10. Americans cannot grasp the idea that humans with a brain and free will would tolerate anything less than democracy. Well... when you have NEVER known anything but a king or master how can you accept a democracy? You don't have a grasp of this foreign concept. These countries are not fighting a condition of living in slavery...they are living in a state of terror that what is on the other side of their current condition will become more of a nightmare when the foreigners who liberate them leave. Without a permanent "savior" on site...they know that there will never be anything to hold on to. We cannot be "parachute saviors" all over the world. We leave...they know it. It is time to realize that this is a never ending nightmare and that the only people who suffer more than our military with countless loss of life is the locals who dare not change their way of life to take a stand only to be slaughtered for their efforts. The only way to ever have peace in this world is to accept that people must choose their own life through education not domination.


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