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Friday, June 13, 2014

12 Numbers About The Global Financial Ponzi Scheme That Should Be Burned Into Your Brain

The numbers that you are about to see are likely to shock you. They prove that the global financial Ponzi scheme is far more extensive than most people would ever dare to imagine. As you will see below, the total amount of debts in the world is now more than three times greater than global GDP. In other words, you could take every single good and service produced on the entire planet this year, next year and the year after that and it still would not be enough to pay off all the debt. But even that number pales in comparison to the exposure that big global banks have to derivatives contracts.

It is hard to put into words how reckless they have been. At the low end of the estimates, the total exposure that global banks have to derivatives contracts is 710 trillion dollars. That is an amount of money that is almost unimaginable. And the reality of the matter is that there is really not all that much actual “money” in circulation today. In fact, as you will read about below, there is only a little bit more than a trillion dollars of U.S. currency that you can actually hold in your hands in existence. If we all went out and tried to close our bank accounts and investment portfolios all at once, that would create a major league crisis. The truth is that our financial system is little more than a giant pyramid scheme that is based on debt and paper promises. It is literally a miracle that it has survived for so long without collapsing already.


1 comment:

  1. And they fiddled as Rome burned. We have no knowledge in this country of how to live poor. Only the mentally ill and the physically disabled could truely know poverty. No one in this country has a clue what true poverty looks like. This is why people are still running up credit cards and going to the movies. This is why government is able to sell their lies and build this house of cards. Poverty looks like darkness...no food....no safety. Government is grasping at straws to keep this country from falling dark. The only reason why the country's power grid does not go down is that the terrorists need the grid to communicate. If they didn't..we would all be sitting in the dark. Who will be there to pass out free juice and cheese when the system collapses? There will be no juice or cheese. While writers write their warnings of things to come Americans cannot grasp the concept of something that they have never known so they ignore the warnings. They fiddle while Rome burns.


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