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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bill would give Americans more rights than corporations

Initiative #75 has cleared the Colorado Supreme Court, and signatures are now being gathered to put it on the November ballot. If it were to be passed into law, communities would have the ability to regulate or ban any enterprise which threatens citizens’ health, safety, or their environment. Residents could actually say no to deadly corporate bullies like Halliburton, Monsanto, Perdue, Tyson, etc.



  1. Yup.. More regulation that allows low information people to make decisions that they are not qualified to make..

  2. I agree that people need should have a higher precedent than corporations...however there are too many stupid people that would vote to prevent the growth we really need and allow the growth that sends us in the wrong direction.

    Considering these folks elected representatives that subsequently enacted legislation to restrict gun rights - they would be stupid enough to vote the same way in the future!

  3. We need a bill that would give Americans more rights than illegals!

  4. The first two comments above appear to be from totally selfish, unAmerican, Enron-admiring, corporate flunkies who regard their own profits and fascist trash talk as more important than you and your family’s health, safety, and security.

  5. We went a little too far when we decided to legally recognize corporations as "persons". It turns out that they are persons with more money and legal clout than real persons. Not a good thing.

  6. To comments 1 and 2 regarding "stupid" and "low information" people making bad decisions for us all ..... that's what the problem is NOW!! Our elected rep's, by and large, have sold our health, safety and welfare to the highest bidder.

    And to comment #5, "we" didn't legally recognize corporate personhood. The US Supreme Court did that through their many illegal "legislating from the bench" decisions.


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