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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Letter To The Editor On The "Economy"


Read your post about the economy slowing down. To get a perspective on the local economy you need look no further than Crisfield, to Somers Cove Marina as an example. Somers Cove has approximately 550 boat slips for rent. Ten years ago there was a waiting list to rent a slip. As of today there were almost 300 vacant slips! If the people who can afford boating have no disposable income what about the average fellow?


  1. Doom and gloom, that's all you idiots preach here on this blog. The Somers Cove Marina is failing due to location and upkeep, period. Try renting a slip in OC or Cambridge or even Kent Narrows. Can't get one. You idiots need to pull your whiny heads out of the sand and get a life. Life is good for those who make it that way.

  2. The marina is empty because it's run by the City of Crisfield, Somerset County, and DNR. They don't have to make money to survive, because the government will cover all losses. Nobody's butt is on the line.

    Put that place in private hands, and the risk taker is going to make darn sure that those slips get rented or they lose their investment.

  3. Maybe the boat owners purchased waterfront homes while the prices are down and keep their boats at their own dock. Who wants to drive down to crisfield to use their boat?

  4. Very similar to airplane hangars at local airports...when I moved here a number of years ago - there were waiting lists everywhere...now they're available...and I no longer need one!

  5. Management there does not have a clue. Recently they had an ad comparing Somers Cove to a marina on Back River in Baltimore. That's what happens when you put a school teacher in charge. Next maybe they'll just call it "'da cove".

  6. Years ago they talked about having a ferry from Crisfield to somewhere in Virginia. That alone would have helped Crisfield in many ways. I never heard why they didn't move ahead with those plans.

  7. An 'EX'- SLIP RENTERJune 10, 2014 at 2:19 PM

    Your`e All wrong.
    The Somers Cove WAS ran by the State and at that time it was a non-biased operation and profitable. Just because a few of the local sore heads couldn`t call the shots, they worried the ass off of the Senators and Delegates to change management until they could get one who would be steam rollered by them and the locals who knew exactly NOTHING about managing a facility that size.
    Slip rental fees doubled and service went to hell and the employees were lost when it came to making a decision. I was SOOOO frustrated with the so-called marina 'commission' I moved my boat and now I`m in seventh heaven in the care of a group of MANAGERS and not back-woods RUBES.
    This is what you got when LOCALS take the reins and THINK they`re with it.Case in point...The head of the 'COMISSH' had a Nova Univerity Doctorate and didn`t own a boat or skiff was made the director.He was the ONLY Smith Islander who couldn`t sail a boat in a bathtub, and was out of touch with the needs of the patrons of the facility.So there you have it from a boater.

  8. 2:08
    The problem was with Reedsville VA. Crisfield wanted the ferry, but the residents of Reedsville objected to it. To them, it would have impacted on them negatively with the increased traffic and lack of infrastructure to support it. It would have been a win win for Crisfield, but not for them.

  9. "Try renting a slip in OC or Cambridge or even Kent Narrows. Can't get one"

    Yes, you can 1:04,unless of course a tournament or some other event has been planned.

  10. Just my 2 cents worth to those who have commented that Somers Cove has poor upkeep and service. I walk that Marina every weekend and use the fuel dock and boat launching facilities on a regular basis. The entire facility (and it is huge) is always spotlessly maintained, clean and enjoyable. They have also just opened a ramp side shop to pick up last minute supplies (ice, bait, drinks etc.) for the many folks using the ramps on weekends. They also offer clean, well maintained bicycles for rent to transient boaters. As to service, whether it is at the fuel dock or in the office, I have never had less than friendly, attentive service. I'm not sure why there are so many unrented slips since it is a terrific Marina.

  11. 1:04 not sure about OC and Cambridge but the Kent Narrows marina is offering some deals. Like if you rent a seasonal slip, you get over 30% of the total cost back in gift cards to local restaurants and fuel. This would lead one to believe they are desperate to rent slips.

  12. Don't forget about the cost of fuel! Our federal government has gone out of its way to restrict gas and raise its price. Just because people can't afford to enjoy their hobbies, tough luck. There is always an immigrant waiting to replace you!


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