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Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release 5-6-14

On April 30, 2014 a Vice Principal of a Worcester County High School notified a School Security Deputy to a package he received at the school through the United States Postal Service. It was observed that the package contained fecal matter.

The Deputy alerted the Postal Service of the incident. On May 2nd the Deputy was notified by a Postal Inspector that an additional two packages had been processed to be sent to the Vice Principal. It was determined that both packages also contained fecal matter.

The Postal Inspector along with the Deputy identified a Juvenile student as the suspect. On May 5th the juvenile was arrested. During a search of the juvenile’s vehicle, the Deputy also located a large quantity of alcohol. The Juvenile subsequently admitted to the sending of fecal matter.

The Juvenile has been charged with six counts of disturbing activities at school and possession of alcohol under the age of 21. The case has been referred to Juvenile services for adjudication.


  1. OMG. That's hilarious.

  2. Another brilliant born here..

  3. "The Juvenile has been charged with six counts of disturbing activities at school"

    Now Beau Oglesby isn't this a stretch? I can tell you now, this isn't going to stick. Maybe harassment but that's a stretch as well.
    I don't even think there's a law against mailing crap unless injurious articles as nonmailable applies.

  4. It would be Ok if it was from a chicken. Apparently people around here think that chicken manure is wonderful for the environment.

  5. Juvenile services for adjudication....that's a laugh..you should say to Juvenile services to get a letter saying don't do it again.

  6. Let me preface by saying I recently retired after 30 years as a Special Education teacher in public schools. I think this is a fairly normal high school prank, especially if the vice principal was a prick. If anyone aspires to be an administrator they need to have a thick skin and let things like this roll off their back. And, believe me, I've seen my share of administrators who deserved something like this. The kid deserves appropriate punishment but certainly not criminal charges.


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