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Tuesday, May 06, 2014

California School District Gives Students Absolutely Jaw-Dropping Assignment in Attempt to ‘Meet Common Core Standards’

The Rialto school district in California is under fire over a stunning eighth-grade assignment that asked students to write an argumentative essay about the Holocaust and “whether or not you believe this was an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain wealth.”

The thoroughly debunked idea that the Holocaust was nothing more than a “hoax” perpetuated by the Jews has long been alleged by anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists.

The San Bernardino Sun first reported on the 18-page assignment that gives students three sources to use to write their essays. One of the sources reportedly alleged the gassings in concentration camps were a “hoax” and there was no evidence any Jews actually died in gas chambers.


  1. This is treason. Obama is indoctrinating our children just like Hitler did. Can't somebody stop this bastard. Common core was developed by Obama and his Muslim appointees.

  2. Some of the lesson plans have already changed history--seems to be a theme going on here--fight for your children's education and future!

  3. I just find it inconcievable that american citizens buy into this crap.I hate to say it but George Orwell was correct,he just had the date wrong. It is almost as if obama and the democrats use the book 1984 as a guide to totaly destroy the United States. There no way that educators don't know exactly what they are up to. If things continue as they are going I see a very bloody revolution coming and the mainstream media will be guilty of ignoring the facts and not reporting what they know is coming. The members of the mainstream media would do well to remember what happened to Marie Antwonett the stupid politicans also. When the revolution starts it will gain momentem and no army will be able to stop it and the guilty will pay with their lives.

  4. Hey Stu - Use an encyclopedia or Google, or borrow a history book. Your point would appear much more intelligent if your spelling was better. Just trying to help out...

  5. Did it ever occur to anyone, that this is a critical thinking exercise? One that requires research? The whole point is to teach people to hear bad arguments or points of view and be able to research the validity of claims to come to a sound conclusion?

    If one does the assignment correctly, the only outcome would be to validate the holocaust, and invalidate poor arguments/facts.

    I think this is a pretty clever assignment. I don't support common core, but I have no issue with this assignment.


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