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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Who Is Jeb Bush’s Presidential Idol? The Answer Might Make You Sick

As Jeb Bush continues positioning himself as the Republican establishment’s pick to run in the 2016 presidential election, he is increasingly alienating his party’s conservative base. In his latest outrageous proclamation, the former Florida governor explained that, if elected, he would rule in a style similar to Lyndon B. Johnson.

“He went and he cajoled, he begged, he threatened, he loved, he hugged, he did what leaders do, which is they personally get engaged to make something happen,” Bush said of Johnson’s approach to the legislature.



  1. Absolutely nothing wrog with this. This back when government worked for the people and not special interests. Nothing wrong with compromise.

  2. Johnson was a racist and said worse things than the basketball owner.....

  3. Anonymous said...
    Johnson was a racist and said worse things than the basketball owner.....

    May 20, 2014 at 3:34 PM

    Why is everyone a racist. I think you are a racist for calling him a racist. Did you personally know President Johnson to make that determination.

  4. Well let's start with November 22, 1963. . .

    If you murder the President and get away with it, then there is absolutely no way you will ever give up power!

    How can you get away with the murder of a sitting US President unless control the White House after the murder?

    Think about it.

  5. 3:48 Can you try that again, except more coherently, with proper sentence structure? You gave me a headache with that garbage.

  6. 3:48, I suggest you lie down for awhile until you feel better.

    Nothing you wrote makes any sense.

  7. Johnson kept the war machine going and the big companies got there contracts back. Kennedy stopped those contracts.

  8. Kennedy got us into that war, Nixon got us out, congress left South Vietnam high and dry, sort of how Obama did Iraq.

  9. 4:23 you are a frigging idiot. LBJ became President when JFK was murdered. And to the fool that called LBJ a racist, you better check your history.

  10. 3:48 is referring to LBJ being one of many who was behind JFK being murdered, and Oswald wasn't one of them.

  11. The Bible code has correctly predicted every single president.Therefore,like it or not,each and every president was elected in accordance with the master plan.Whether WE liked each and every one of them is irrelevant.

  12. 10:02, I don't know if you are the same person as 3:48 or not. But you are making about as much (none)sense.

  13. 3:34 - the definition 'they' use includes the use of the "N" word...Johnson used it in a derogatory manner...


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