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Saturday, May 31, 2014

WH Petition To Free Marine Tahmooressi From Mexico Prison Reaches 100K Online Signatures

A petition on the White House website asking President Obama to demand the release of a Marine sergeant in a Mexico prison has garnered more than 100,000 online signatures -- a threshold that typically elicits an administration response.

“The effect of this unjust incarceration on a decorated combat Marine is despairing,” says the petition, which as of Saturday afternoon had 116,051 signatures.

Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi was arrested March 31 after crossing the Mexican border with three guns in his truck.

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was USA policy never to exchange prisoners for American hostages. leave it to this no experience, clueless community activist to break this. Funny how he could help the soldier in Mexico by just picking up the phone, but he would rather make an exchange involving terrorists. Maybe Obummer was helping some of his relatives by releasing Muslims, after all he loves those terrorists known as The Muslim Brotherhood. This incompetent Prez needs to go now!


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