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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Obama to West Point grads: It's your task to extend peace and prosperity


  1. I thought West Point was way better than this!! I wouldn't have this SOB speak!!! He could care less about us!! Go AWAY OBAMA!!! We never wanted or needed you!! You have disgraced our Country, Military and Veterans!! You and you family are a TOTAL DISGRACE!! AND NO, I did not vote for him either time!!!

  2. I saw this earlier today and if you watch the video you can tell it was a chilly reception. Not many stood and the applauds were dismal at best.


  3. Service academies don't have a veto over desire by pre'sent or VP if they want to give the address.

    IIRC, seems they routinely address one of the academies each year; kind of an expected tradition.

    That said, cadets can draw the line between 'polite' and enthusiastic; apparently they did.

  4. "...it will be your generations task, to respond to this "New World."

    That speaks volumes. Barry admits he is going for the New World Order and no one picked up on it.

  5. I also noticed no one wanted to stand for this idiot. What a loser. I also noticed he had his teleprompter there and had to rephrase a comment when he double checked the prompt.


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