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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Veteran Pension Cuts


  1. Senator Coons voted to cut benefits for military veterans.

    Shame on you idiots for voting for him. Shame on you idiots for bashing the best candidate for that seat. Christine O'Donnell wouldn't have kicked our veterans to the curb. Shame on you brain dead liberals and RINO's.

  2. I see our midget lesbian and her counterpart communist comrade in arms (Mikulski & Cardin) voted for this legislation. Absolutely in step with their fellow liberal dumbocrats and traitors. Should be removed, by any means/next election, as soon as possible. True Marylanders would not vote to harm their vets. But I guess they want to make their kenyan communist king happy. These so called representatives of the people have committed treason with this vote. Do Marylanders really want this bovine fecal material representing us?? Have we had enough yet??

  3. Mikulski and Cardin need to go, SHAME on both of you for voting to cut benefits for Vets - SHAME.

  4. It's a shame when we care more about lazy people (long term welfare) and illegal immigrants and take from those who defend our way of life.

  5. Ditto, 2:22! These POS's need to be voted OUT (& I'm not talking point of sale, LOL).

  6. You can't be mad at this as wwe just posted negative comments about the captured soldier

  7. If they need to cut money then cut their pensions by the same amont! See how well that goes over, goose and gander philosiphy!

  8. Maybe we should cut their pensions.

  9. Cardin/ Mikulski, you betcha!

    These two need their walking papers!


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