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Saturday, May 31, 2014

TOUGH GUY: Public Schools Cop Shoots At Fleeing Kids Who Had Been MAKING OUT

School district officials in Tulsa, Okla. have placed one of the district’s police officers on paid administrative leave because he fired his gun at a vehicle containing a pair of teenagers who were trying to get busy in a car.

The shooting incident happened over the weekend in the parking lot of Eliot Elementary School,reports Tulsa Fox affiliate KOKI.

The unidentified school cop fired at the back of the vehicle as the 17-year-old driver was fleeing the scene, according to the real Tulsa police detectives who later investigated the incident.

The kids in the car were “probably doing something that they shouldn’t have been,” Tulsa police spokesman Chris Payne told KOKI.

Sensing trouble, the school cop approached the vehicle to find out what was happening. Instead of answering the cop’s questions, the driver chose to try to get the hell out of dodge.

The school cop said he felt jeopardized by the fact that a confused kid in the midst of a face-sucking session drove away from him. In response, then, he pulled out his gun and shot at the absconding vehicle, striking it with a live bullet in the rear left tire.



  1. Kids making out are the root of all evil. Kissing leads to gun violence

  2. Dis-arm police now!
    They are just not emotionally or psychologically stable enough to carry weapons!

    This cop should have laughed at the fact they were running away scared, but he felt that his dignity as a superior of common citizens was in jeopardy so he escalated the situation to DEADLY in 2 seconds or less.
    My only 2 questions are, why is he still on the force and why is he on PAID leave? Well three, why hasn't the kids parents already euthanized this troubled wannabe murderer?

  3. And your answer is to put are end guepards in schools... Why not just a good gun control bill?

  4. Just winging one or both of them would have been adequate.

  5. Obaka Crooked BastardoMay 31, 2014 at 11:16 PM

    5:06 There is no such a thing as "good gun control bill". There is however 1 mentally challenged cop with itchy trigger finger, who should be FIRED WITH NO PAY. Why do should we base our opinion about cops patroling our scools on the stupid actions of One Idiot, while there thousands of others who doing their job . Thery should send this Rambo Cop to Hollywood California to shoot the punk who killed those 6 or 7 college students. Their NO GUNS ALLOWED SIGNS AND ANTI GUN LAWS ARE REALLY WORKING, RIGHT? I HAVE NEVER SEEN A SIGN STOPPING A CRIMINAL, HAVE YOU?


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