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Sunday, May 04, 2014

Useful Idiots

Recall that Hillary did her college thesis on his writings and Obama writes about him in his books. Saul Alinsky died about 43 years ago, but his writings influenced those in political control of our nation today.......
Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA
Education: University of Chicago
Spouse: Irene Alinsky
Books: Rules for Radicals, Reveille for Radicals

All eight rules are currently in play

How to Create a Social State by Saul Alinsky:

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.

1) Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control– Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools
8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States ?

Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin's original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule. Stalin described his converts as "Useful Idiots." 
The Useful Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S.

"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."


  1. This is exactly what is happening here. We are doomed just like every other nation in the world that has followed this path. I was born in the United States of American during the Great Depression, I will die in the United Socialist States of American during the great recession.

  2. And the people are letting it happen...wake up America--we are almost at the point of no return...

  3. Americans have had it to easy to believe this is happening.

  4. This a Chuck Cook ambition and he's too stupid to see the "progressives" he endorses and promotes are using this theory. He is a useful Idiot!
    How stupid can one person be!

  5. We will wake up one morning and it will be so.. Our own state is one of the states leading the way. But, it is not done yet. We MUST get out to vote this November. We must make sure that congress does pass and immigration reform before the midterms. Everyone should make sure that they ley their representatives know that they will not support immigration reform. Andy Harris can help push conservative agenda make sure you let him know you support him in that endeavor...

  6. Oh it is happening and what a shame. If only those Obama voters would do a little research before they go to the polls, but then you have to be able to read and comprehend and I doubt that will ever happen. They would rather be brainwashed and drink kool aid.

  7. And if you actually read her thesis, you'll see that she did not necessarily espouse his views.

  8. Get use to it. We're going to have 8 years of hillary.

  9. Rules for Radicals should be taught along with the documents our Founding Fathers left us that explains a Free Republic and why it is important to adhere to these principles.

    RFR would be the comparison of what can happen if you let go of these principles and why it is so important to create a country of OPPORTUNITY rather than WELFARE.

  10. "5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)"

    Taking control of income involves getting rid of all businesses but a handful of big corps that in turn control all services, trade and commerce. This is being done slowing by overregulation. The big capitalists are behind it. They fund faux "environmentalists" to make a ruckus to the government. The democrats in politics are in lockstep and they pass legislation disguised as public safety and health.
    This in turn is creating only the strong (wealthiest) survive in business which eliminates competition not only in price of goods but what employers have to pay employees because they have no other choice in places to work.

  11. You poor dumb sheep better wake up !! Its not too late !

  12. And you can through in the out of control environmentalists in that group as well.

  13. I really don't want to have to say "I told you so" to all the people I've tried to tell about this mess, but the cards keep piling up against us, and no leader strong enough to tackle this monster and get it under control has emerged from the masses. It just doesn't look good. We are proving ourselves to be no more than "the little people" to be stepped on and crushed into the dust. All the ranting and raving is getting us nowhere but closer to a heart attack. Unless something Real is done, we are done as a nation.

  14. Just want to add, by Real I mean non-violent, Real as in legally powered and correct... Constitutionally sound, the t's crossed and the i's dotted...positive proof and solid spoken by a real statesman or woman.

  15. 7:59 - "she did not necessarily espouse his views". Did she necessarily OBJECT to his views? Did she say this was a path to destruction? Or, was she just "running" in the middle so as to keep her radical agenda opaque?

  16. Communism is the natural culmination of YHWH's people. His people will rule over all the other people. His people are destined to be the world's leaders.

    Bolshevism was created by Jewish bankers. It is the elite who are destined to rule. The non-Jew is goy - cattle - to be led.

  17. 7:59 - You must have traveled to Wellesley to read the thesis since it was banned from being published by the white house in 1993 by Wellesley invoking a rule which prohibits access to any thesis written by a sitting president or first lady. Hmm, who would that be? HRC. Will you ask her about her belief in Saul Alinsky's book? I doubt it.

  18. Actually, 5:06, it is pretty easy to find a PDF of the original typewritten thesis on the internet.


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