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Sunday, May 04, 2014

Two Moms Of Preschoolers Push For Spanish Immersion Program In Prince George’s County

Delores Millhouse and Gina Bowler don’t have children in the Prince George’s County school system.

But they would like to.

That was the message they shared with members of the county Board of Education, the new schools chief, the county executive and anyone else who would take a few minutes to listen during the past several months as they lobbied the district to add a Spanish immersion program to its academic offerings.


  1. How dumb. You can go to any incorporated town/city in PG county and get all the "Spanish Immersion" you can handle for one day and not cost tax payers a dime.

  2. this is America, english is the preferred language.
    If they want spanish, they are free to move to a spanish speaking country

  3. NO wonder you can't get any companies to relocate to the eastern shore. Narrow minded people that have no appreciation for education. BTW, hispanics are the largest minority group in the US outnumbering the african americans.

  4. At least these two mother took on the system and got some changes made rather than whining and complaining about how bad things are to blog. Maybe you should learn something from this article instead of being ignorant and racist.

  5. 12:42

    So you are saying they deserve special treatment. To the best of my knowledge this is still the U.S. and we are an english speaking country. If the eastern shore is too narrow minded for your liking you are free to move to somewhere more enlightened.

  6. Anonymous said...
    NO wonder you can't get any companies to relocate to the eastern shore. Narrow minded people that have no appreciation for education. BTW, hispanics are the largest minority group in the US outnumbering the african americans.

    April 28, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    Big Deal Douche Bag! Send them back to Mexico and you can join them.

    If you appreciated education so much you would learn proper grammar.

  7. Anonymous said...
    At least these two mother took on the system and got some changes made rather than whining and complaining about how bad things are to blog. Maybe you should learn something from this article instead of being ignorant and racist.

    April 28, 2014 at 1:28 PM

    Here we go dropping the race card. Is that all you liberal have going for you?

  8. 1:35
    I did but still like making money off you hillbillies!

  9. "Anonymous said...
    NO wonder you can't get any companies to relocate to the eastern shore. Narrow minded people that have no appreciation for education. BTW, hispanics are the largest minority group in the US outnumbering the african americans.

    April 28, 2014 at 12:42 PM"

    You are the reason this whole country is experiencing a lack of decent paying jobs 12:42. Fools like you who are so GD dumb you think crap like this is education. Instead of concentrating on science and technology and math, we have complete imbeciles like you wanting to teach what amounts to a culture class.
    Yeah, culture is going to get a kid real far in life, you jerk!
    Educate yourself! The Fortune 500 companies are having to send head hunters out to foreign countries because US graduates don't even have skills to do the jobs available here.
    If you are too GD dumb to teach you own child about culture there are private programs you can send them to, but other children shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of an inferior education because of idiots like you.
    You need to wise the hell up 12:42!

  10. Hmmm and Salisbury wonders why they see a substantial number of young adults leaving the shore after high school or Salisbury University students taking their higher education degrees back to other parts of Maryland to spend their tax dollars and drive up that economy? Seems fairly obvious to me - a severely dilapidated economy, questionable Board of Ed superintendent with low school rankings, a bypass that takes beach goers AROUND Salisbury and take their business with them, etc. Outside of a slower pace of life and less time commuting near DC, a lack of cultural awareness and education such as some these comments most definitely won't bring young people, and their money, back to the shore. Northern Virginia, D.C. and Maryland schools on the other side of the Bay Bridge mandate Spanish and French in elementary school, start German in middle school and boast fluency in these by high school graduation. You SHOULD be fighting for these things for your children too, not ridiculing them.

  11. "Northern Virginia, D.C. and Maryland schools on the other side of the Bay Bridge mandate Spanish and French in elementary school, start German in middle school and boast fluency in these by high school graduation"

    2:09, Are you lying intentionally or just that uninformed because this is not true.

  12. I have news for you 2:09. I live in Northern VA and what you state isn't true.

  13. 2:09 only 5 or 6 counties in MD have some elementary schools offering Spanish, Worcester being one of the counties. Far less for French. Neither Spanish nor French is mandated in elementary school.
    German is offered to middle schoolers in only a few schools in 3 MD counties. Where are you getting your info because it's incorrect.

  14. I think you are all missing 2:09pm's point - whether those languages and grades are correct, the point is that education is ranked much higher across the Bay and just another factor in why so many people are leaving the shore. I'm more neutral about this but I, like many who read Joe's blog, am from Salisbury but live close to Baltimore. I am dying to come back to the shore. I have a degree in Physical Therapy, was educated at Salisbury and then UMES but moved over the bridge for opportunities professionally. I think blogs like this that get the conversation going are great and some of the new ideas from leadership in town might help boost the economy and one day bring back more of our high school graduates. I would much much rather be spending my money back where I am from and hope one day I can.

  15. I work at TLC and don't think people realize that folks from other countries are coming to America to stay long enough to have 4 children, then they go back to whatever country & get American welfare directly deposited their home country accounts??? Then they bring in more 36 week pregnant women to declare their kids US citizens-we've stopped taking care of our own!! For FREE we feed, educate & provide healthcare to other countries but I can't afford ground beef & toilet paper?? It's sad that those who work, work to support a country who could care less of its own!

  16. I'm not sure that 2:02 read the article or knows the difference between education and culture. Language immersion classes teach a second language in conjunction with the school curriculum including math and science. If you own or manage a business in this country that utilizes any type of manual labor it is imperative that you know spanish. Who do you think is taking these jobs? Chicken processing, crab picking, landscaping, construction and hospitality companies hire management people that are bilingual. BTW, I speak 3 languages, have two degrees and own businesses in the US and abroad.
    But you are obviously the voice of the majority of people on here that can only resort to calling names and putting others down because you have nothing else to say. Why are you so worried? It is not happening in Wicomico county.
    I agree with the statement above about these two mothers taking action rather than complaining. Maybe if the residents of Wicomico county take action rather than complaining some things might change for the better.

  17. Anonymous said...
    "Northern Virginia, D.C. and Maryland schools on the other side of the Bay Bridge mandate Spanish and French in elementary school, start German in middle school and boast fluency in these by high school graduation"

    2:09, Are you lying intentionally or just that uninformed because this is not true.

    April 28, 2014 at 2:18 PM

    He is a typical Democrat that will tell a lie until someone believes it. I say get rid of all foreigners like the illegal aliens from Mexico. You Democrats are to stupid to realize they are costing the tax payer a fortune.

  18. We need to concentrate more on the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) starting in elementary school. Communication another area lacking. Companies are going out of the country to fill positions after lobbying Congress to make it easier for foreign graduates to get Visas.
    Senator Chris Coons (DE) was just interviewed and commented on the lack of qualified people to fill manufacturing jobs in DE. He specifically mentioned a pharmaceutical company. Jobs are going unfilled. Good paying jobs (that don't even require a college degree) due to the lack of communication and problem solving (forward thinking) skills formerly seen in high school graduates.
    We've lost our way by those who condemn American exceptionalism. For any progress in the job market we need to go back to this concept. We shouldn't change for them, they should change for us.

  19. 3:40-Let's just say I've been around the world more than you could ever hope to and I've forgotten more than you will ever know. We won't get into my business because you will think I am bragging. Here's an FYI for you-the immersion programs have been around long before you've heard of them. The concept is living the language and living the culture.

  20. The two most spoken languages in the world. Why not educate our children? Easiest time to lean a language is young, like swimming.
    Set your child ahead make sure they are bi lingual.

  21. Not exactly. Mandarin is spoken by more people than spanish and english combined. They are number 2 and 3 respectively.

  22. My daughter has had Spanish as a class since she was two. She is in a private school. I see no problem with offering the opportunity to learn a foreign language, but children born and raised in the US who are taking advantage of the public school system should be taught English as a primary language and others as secondary.

  23. Well then lets include Mandarin too, education is a wonderful thing. Children can handle three languages and it will pay off their entire life. Americans are far to ignorant speaking only one language.


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