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Saturday, May 31, 2014

U.S. Soldier Free After Almost Five Years Captivity in Afghanistan

U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, held for nearly five years by the Taliban after being captured in Afghanistan, has been released and is now in U.S. custody, President Barack Obama said on Saturday.

As part of Bergdahl's release, the United States is turning over five Taliban detainees at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the custody of Qatar, U.S. officials said.

Bergdahl's freedom follows months of indirect U.S.-Taliban talks with Qatar acting as intermediary, the officials said.

U.S. special operations forces took custody of Bergdahl in a non-violent exchange in eastern Afghanistan, the officials said, adding that he was believed to be in good condition. He was now undergoing a medical examination in Afghanistan.


  1. I thought we had a policy of not negotiating with terrorist?

  2. And he wasn't captured by chance. He left the base he was on free and willing. He knew what he was doing....a lot of soldiers and marines died looking for the POS

  3. 5 for 1...can we send 5 Mexicans back for our soilder in Mexico? Obama makes horrible trades..does he understand math? Oh...wait...look at the economics..answered my own question.

  4. 5 for 1...can we send 5 Mexicans back for our solider in Mexico? Obama makes horrible trades..does he understand math? Oh...wait...look at the economics..answered my own question.

  5. Releasing 5 terrorists for 1 soldier? Since when has America turned into Israel?

  6. 5:17
    What does Israel have to do with this...

  7. This soldier defected and went AWOL. He is a traitor and should be killed by firing squad .
    He is a Taliban soldier .


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