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Saturday, May 31, 2014


(Breitbart) – The Tea Party is alive and well and is firmly established as a dominant force in Texas Republican politics. Victories by Tea Party favorites nearly swept the statewide Republican runoff election.

Establishment candidates like State Representative Dan Branch and State Senator Bob Deuell faded quietly in defeat while strongly supported Tea Party candidates like Sen. Dan Patrick, Sen. Ken Paxton, and former State Rep. Sid Miller sailed to easy victories in their statewide races.

The trend of Tea Party victories continued down the ballot as well. In Senate District 10 (currently held by Sen. Wendy Davis), Tea Party favorite Konni Burton won her race with a 20 point margin over the more moderate Mark Shelton. In a report by Merrill Hope, Burton told Breitbart Texas, “We are so excited. We’ve been working for this for a year. Our message has resonated with the voters and we couldn’t be more pleased.” Burton was also supported by U.S. Senator Ted Cruz who, in 2012, proved the Tea Party and grassroots activism can overcome insurmountable odds to bring victory for conservative principles.



  1. You will not see a republican president for a long time

  2. Cruz will be the next President. The day he is elected he will show his true RINO colors.

  3. People are voting this direction, but fixed elections are the real problem. Without voter ID we are at the mercy of the tyrants.

  4. Anonymous said...
    You will not see a republican president for a long time

    May 31, 2014 at 5:19 PM

    Why Chuck?

  5. Anonymous said...
    People are voting this direction, but fixed elections are the real problem. Without voter ID we are at the mercy of the tyrants.

    May 31, 2014 at 8:07 PM

    You make some valid concerns.

  6. Can we give Texas back to Mexico?


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