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Sunday, May 11, 2014

UN: Botched Okla. Execution May Have Violated International Human Rights Law

The United Nations human rights office says U.S. death row inmate Clayton Lockett’s suffering during his botched Oklahoma execution this week may amount to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under international human rights law.

A spokesman for the office, Rupert Colville, says Lockett’s prolonged death on Tuesday is “the second case of apparent extreme suffering caused by malfunctioning lethal injections” reported in the United States this year, after Dennis McGuire’s execution in Ohio on Jan. 16 with an allegedly untested combination of drugs.

Colville told reporters Friday in Geneva that “the apparent cruelty involved in these recent executions simply reinforces the argument that authorities across the United States should impose an immediate moratorium on the use of the death penalty and work for abolition of this cruel and inhuman practice.”


  1. Okay, so it *might* have violated some kind of human rights law, whatever that is. Does it count for anything that Clayton Lockett violated the victim's most basic human rights, including the right to live?

  2. 7:49

    And no part of that statement is contradictory in any way?

  3. Tell the United Nations to kiss my American ass. This is the kind of crap you get from Obama in order to take away his other problems.

  4. I don't believe the assertion that he suffered one bit!
    I don't believe he suffered at all and there is absolutely no way they can prove he did suffer.
    These liberals are nuts! The man took the life of another human being, for that he should die. Period. The sooner the better.
    He voided his "right" to life.

  5. Is this the monster that tortured his victim and then buried her alive? I feel he got what he deserved. Maybe just maybe if people thought being put to death was painful they would stop and think about what they are doing.

  6. It would have been better if the suffering laster for 12 HOURS considering what this PIECE OF SH-- did I think he got off easy...

  7. F*** the UN!! This is some more of Obama's chit! We never heard about anything from the UN until Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Kerry and Killary got in power.

    Screw them all and I am ready to go to war with anyone that disputes my comment.

  8. The only way it would have been a botched execution is if he lived. He didn't live and the job was complete. Good Riddance and can't wait to see some more Liberals go the same way.

  9. Anonymous said...
    I don't believe the assertion that he suffered one bit!
    I don't believe he suffered at all and there is absolutely no way they can prove he did suffer.
    These liberals are nuts! The man took the life of another human being, for that he should die. Period. The sooner the better.
    He voided his "right" to life.

    May 5, 2014 at 8:02 PM

    I think you said it best!!

  10. He should have no rights--period. He should have got the same treatment he gave his victims

    Forty-five minutes of suffering was way too short.

  11. put them in front of a firing squad, in a gas chamber or the chair. let them feel the pain they inflicted. he was sentenced to death. he got it. so what if it hurt. look what he did?

  12. Tell the U. N. go to HELL 1

  13. 5-6-14
    When I was a soldier in Vietnam I learned you do not reward your enemies. It`s my understanding that after a burglary, rape, and attempted murder, the female victim was buried alive and the autopsy revealed she succumed to her many injuries along with asphyxiation.I wonder other than being recieved into the arms of God what comfort she found while she waited for death.
    My opinion that the penalty for this tragedy DID fit the crime. I wish it had taken 34 hours in stead of minutes for this scum to die. I wish just before he drew his last breath I could have kicked him in the teeth and ribs for her sake. I`d like to know where people get the silly idea that a rotten bastard such as him deserves ANY consideration of ANY kind. Damn him and ANYONE who bleeds for him.

  14. John Aswell...You are spot on! Couldn't have said it better myself!

  15. When and why did we get away from the shooting squad? So simple, yet so so assuredly permanent.

    That's the way you do it. $2 per round, one is a blank, $14 for the day, job done.

  16. typical set up for Progressives to distort State Laws and mandate Federal Control ..then ultimately eradication of the right of the State to do what it desires.

    If the guy is dead it was not botched.. reminds me of the Water board Activism hyperbole ..from the same people who toady are droning innocent people and whole families.


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