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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Transgender Says "Tranny" is Offensive

RUSH: Tina, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Hi. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Thanks for having me on, Rush. I really appreciate it.

RUSH: You're more than welcome. It's great to have you here.

CALLER: When I heard you this morning, you know, one thing that jumped right out at me was when you used the Scalia quote about gay marriage, to say that this is gonna lead to all kinds of other implied bad things, and then you linked transgenderism in, you know, getting our rights in with that. You know, that really alerted me that I wanted to talk to you.

RUSH: Now, wait. No, no, wait, I was reading from TIME Magazine.



  1. I have often heard of a car's transmission referred to as a 'tranny'. Is that going to be a banned term now too?

  2. Tranny's are offensive to the American culture.

  3. thank you 11:07

  4. Yes, that word is never used in a nice way. Those who say it is are offensive to the American culture.

  5. It is now also offensive to transmissions. Gay used to be a nice word, too.
    We bend with the times. Often there are casualties.


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