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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Civil Rights: Not Just for Black People Anymore

Dear Professor Black;

Just a few weeks ago, one of my students, who is also one of your students, informed me that you have formed and expressed a very strong and negative opinion about the outcome of a civil rights case I was recently involved in with the university. I want to start by saying that I strongly support your right to criticize me by name in the classroom. Even crude, unprofessional, and uninformed speech is protected by our constitution. But the same principles that allow you to express your views also allow me to respond.

Our mutual student claims that you characterized the jury verdict, which was in my favor, as "b*ll$h*t." Because he is a war veteran, I do not question the veracity of his claims. Whatever specific terminology you used is irrelevant. Even crude terms like "b*ll$h*t" are protected by the constitution.

While your argument seems to have been crude, at least the characterization had the effect of communicating that you sided with the university in the matter. This is an example of how even crude speech can be somewhat effective - to the extent that it actually communicates one's position on a matter of importance. At least it lets people know where you stand. This is one of the nice things about living in a free country where people are allowed to vent their frustrations in nonviolent ways.

Of course, many people would take issue with your decision to talk about my recent case in front of your students. But I have no problem with that. In fact, I'm always happy when professors criticize me in the classroom. The word usually gets back to me because the students are usually on my side. Then, I get to write a column about it for money (and use the profits to buy guns and bullets). So I thank you for continuing to give me ammunition - both literally and metaphorically speaking.



  1. BIG Mike Adams fan!

  2. Civil rights need to be diluted.Every human rights violation needs to enter the fray & spread this thing out.Addressing all groups of people will not lessen the benefits to black people.It will however make their cases stronger when they are impacted by an injustice.


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