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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tennessee city creates law that makes wearing saggy pants illegal

Standards - and pants - have been slipping in the Tennessee city of Pikeville, where the mayor has decided things have gotten as low as they can go.

Mayor Phil Cagle is the author of an ordinance that will soon see anyone wearing their pants 'more than three inches below the top of the hips' fined for public indecency.

Pikeville is just the latest place in the U.S. to take issue with where young men position their trousers.



  1. If they are not showing skin the indecency claim will never stand.

  2. I hope this includes the old, fat guys. Belly hanging out of their size medium shirt, crack visible.

  3. When is Salisbury going to adopt this same policy? No one wants to see your boxers, no matter how many pair you have on. Guys, pull up your pants. Have a little respect.

  4. 2:53:

    Take it to Mayor Ireton. A city ordinance with a $25 fine attached might get some people's attention.

    Or take it to City Council and tell them what you'd like to see (or not see).

    Or write a letter to mayor and council.

    Or wait at home and don't do anything and see what happens when nobody else can be bothered to make an effort.

  5. Its a hoot to watch them try and run across rt 50 to the school, with them saggy pants.
    Starts my day with a good laugh.

  6. Though I find it asinine ;-)- does it come under "freedom of expression"? Moreover were it young women w/their thongs exposed .... ? Then there' s that guy in the Speedo @ the pool -

  7. Anonymous said...
    Its a hoot to watch them try and run across rt 50 to the school, with them saggy pants.
    Starts my day with a good laugh.

    May 20, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    That's why they get hit by cars.

    They also get arrested when they run from the cops because they can't move fast.

  8. If they were exposing their butts it would be a different story. Try to do this and you just open the city to lawsuits that the city cannot win.
    It would be more wasted money to try an appease an busy body group of people.
    You don't like it then don't wear it. You have no right to tell others how to dress.

  9. You don't like it then don't wear it. You have no right to tell others how to dress.

    May 20, 2014 at 2:05 PM

    Aucontraire my dear, yes we do. It's called living in a society. You can do pretty much what you like, (or at least we used to be able to do so), until it harms someone else.

    In this case, it harms people's sensitivities, taste and morality at large.

    They can hang around their backyard dressed like fools all they like, but when they step into the public arena there are codes we all have to live by. (Although I am sure these types have no codes, except zip codes, and I bet most of them don't even know theirs).

    Lack of respect and self esteem is what I see when these punks hobble down the street. But what else is new?

  10. Blame the school speed cameras on saggy pants runners.

  11. This style of pants wearing originated in jail. It was a way for guys to advertise their availability for another's pleasure via quick access.

    So when I see some dude walking down the street like that, I chuckle to myself. It's not up to me to tell them whether they should be a flaming prison thug or not. It's certainly got nothing to do with being macho.

  12. Salisbury has much bigger problems to tackle before going after kids dressing like idiots. Besides, this area not the fashion center of the world to begin with. Ever been to Walmart?

  13. The lower the pants the lower the IQ my father always said.

  14. no need being one if you ain't going to act like one

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury has much bigger problems to tackle before going after kids dressing like idiots. Besides, this area not the fashion center of the world to begin with. Ever been to Walmart?

    May 20, 2014 at 2:36 PM

    and you display the lack of class some have.

  16. Only thing missing is the tail. Sad

  17. In the school or work place there is no democracy , they have the right to tell you what to wear , what to eat and much more.
    As long as these are safe and lawful .
    The saggy pants are mostly a black thing , they will certainly try the race card.
    We pay your salary in the work place and pay for your education in school , thus your butt belongs to us , so suck it up and get those pants up .

  18. Anonymous said...
    If they were exposing their butts it would be a different story. Try to do this and you just open the city to lawsuits that the city cannot win.
    It would be more wasted money to try an appease an busy body group of people.
    You don't like it then don't wear it. You have no right to tell others how to dress.

    May 20, 2014 at 2:05 PM

    You're and idiot! And when did you become an expert on the law.

  19. This is not really a bad thing. Dressing like this limits them to only steal one tv at a time because they have to hold their pants up with the other hand.

  20. So I can go with without a shirt and bra if I want. Freedom of expression. Right? I never understood why men can do it and we women can not. map

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So I can go with without a shirt and bra if I want. Freedom of expression. Right? I never understood why men can do it and we women can not. map

    May 20, 2014 at 4:46 PM

    Because a mans chest is not considered obscene, pornographic, sexual, nudity, vulgar, etc.

    Pick a reason. You really are not that stupid are you?

    Some men should NOT go shirtless, and that goes for some women as well.

  22. Right womanly hips on the lil feller.

  23. "In this case, it harms people's sensitivities, taste and morality at large. 2:26"

    We don't make laws to suit your sensitivities.

  24. We don't make laws to suit your sensitivities.

    May 20, 2014 at 8:13 PM

    Of course they do. Maybe you should take a course or something. Or get some age and wisdom.

  25. We don't make laws to suit your sensitivities.

    May 20, 2014 at 8:13 PM

    Why do you think we make them?

  26. Government telling people how to dress? Socialism, plain and simple.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Government telling people how to dress? Socialism, plain and simple.

    May 21, 2014 at 9:09 AM

    Government or the people? That's just it, they're not dressed, they are half dressed lol

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So I can go with without a shirt and bra if I want. Freedom of expression. Right? I never understood why men can do it and we women can not. map

    In New York State, anyone, male, female or anything in between can be topless in public, legally.


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