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Sunday, May 25, 2014

College Wins US Debate Championship By Repeating the N-Word Over and Over, Speaking Incomprehensibly

On March 24, Towson University won the 2014 Cross Examination Debate Association’s national championship. Towson defeated the University of Oklahoma. What was Towson’s strategy? Inexplicably using the N-word over and over again in an incomprehensible tirade.

Here is an actual excerpt (with profanity redacted). See if you are able to tell what Towson is arguing in favor or against:

They say the n*****s always already qu***, that’s exactly the point! It means the impact is that the that the is the impact term, uh, to the afraid, uh, the, that it is a case term to the affirmative because, we, uh, we’re saying that qu*** bodies are not able to survive the necessarily means of the body. Uh, uh, the n***** is not able to survive.



  1. There is a segment of society that never evolved into civilized human beings and this is an example. What a disgrace. What a bunch of misfits. African Americans need to hang their heads in shame and get on their knees, repent for the crude behavior of their youth and beg God for forgiveness.

  2. We as a country are in a LOT of trouble when we allow people like this to think they are actually smart, and reward them with a trophy.

    Ebonics Debate....

  3. Where are the white participants?

  4. OMG, if they had not won, what do you suppose they would be babbling on about? What else can you do but declare them the winners for acting!!

  5. OMG, you can't even understand the words they are speaking never mind what they're supposed to mean. Maybe the Governor should have this "association" removed from Towson University. It is obviously a racist group & should be eliminated. Not to mention they sound like a bunch of uneducated jerks. I swear if one more person "AX"'s me anything I'm going to scream.

  6. Are you saying they weren't the most qualified and that didn't matter in the final decision?

  7. 10:33AM - if they were the most qualified, Lord help us all. No wonder this country is in such a mess.

  8. And you want to know how Obama got elected. And now he want's to dumb down white kids with Common Core. In 8 years kids will not know how to multiply, divide, add or subtract.

  9. The dumbing down of America. Common Core Ebonics at it's worst. That was not a debate, it was nothing more than a spew of racism by a couple of uneducated Democrats. UGH!! This is so embarrassing for mankind.

  10. and this passes for what? intelligence? lmao what a bunch of uneducated morons!

  11. 9:30 is right, we actually reward idiots! A lot of employers know this, when they see someone has gotten their degree from UMES, they know it is worthless!

  12. The mods/judges should have stopped this immediately. Shame on them for not upholding the rules of collegiate debate.

  13. OH no! What would Moochella Obama say! Doesn't this qualify for her snitch on others for racists comments program?

  14. Anonymous said...
    and this passes for what? intelligence? lmao what a bunch of uneducated morons!

    May 20, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    And a Maryland college at that. Goes along with O'Malley and Chuck Cook bragging about Maryland having the best schools in the nation.

  15. What in the sam hell is that? Ebonics doesn't even come close.

  16. I'm not certain that Towson is earning that tuition money these kids pay them.

  17. Kinda like hanging out at Wi-Hi dont you think. B.O.E. wants another 88k so they can put more model students like this into the core. My kid goes to private school. Funny children of all races seem to excell in private instituions. What do you say to that Dr. Fredneck.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Kinda like hanging out at Wi-Hi dont you think. B.O.E. wants another 88k so they can put more model students like this into the core. My kid goes to private school. Funny children of all races seem to excell in private instituions. What do you say to that Dr. Fredneck.

    May 20, 2014 at 3:30 PM

    Margo Handy says dey be her peeples.

  19. Did you notice how uncivilized they acted after the winners were announced.

    How did two ghetto groups end up as finalists?

    What is this country coming to? How in the world to blacks keep winning everything based on the color of their skin?

  20. Please tell me this is a very bad joke I am mortified and ashamed of our so called civilization if it is real.

  21. Enjoy your trophy, kids. Someone thought you earned it.

  22. I understand what they're trying to say but they didn't get there point across at all. How did they win, since the only thing they basically said is that White people has it easier than black people.

  23. Listen to the video about 1:18 in. Unintelligible rant having nothing to do with the subject. And these were the winners?!

  24. The Harvard debate team uses the video of this travesty of education as the kickoff event to all their frat parties.
    I this video doesn't make you laugh yourself into tears (mainly because the participants think they are doing brilliantly and are a debating MACHINE!).
    Harvard asked, but they wouldn't let the Harvard debate team within 50 miles of the Towson team "champions". One can actually understand the language being used by the Harvard team. Which, from what I can see, is a DETRIMENTAL point against them.

  25. We are closing the achievement gap by taking what is earned by one group and giving it to a group that doesn't have the ability or motivation to earn it. Gap closed. Anyone who points out the unfairness is a racist.


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