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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Rogue Government Prepares For Heated Conflict, Historical Cycles Point to Coming Clash

Establishment behaving like a crazed psychopath that knows he is about to be brought to justice.

A string of scandals involving the federal government is further demonstrating the illegitimacy and hypocrisy of the power structure. Historical cycles point to massive upheaval.

Ordinary Americans are being targeted while known terrorists are escorted through security. Kidnappers, rapists, and murderers are being released from prison; an action sanctioned by the President of the United States. The BATF allows guns to find their way to Mexican drug lords, while the federal government is fighting to disarm American citizens. Mega-banks launder billions of dollars worth of drug money. No, this isn’t a dystopic nightmare; This is our present day reality that we all must face.

The establishment is behaving like a crazed psychopath that knows he is about to be brought to justice. Nearly every agency of government has acquired some form of armaments in the past several years. Police departments across the country are getting mine resistant vehicles. Homeland Security is acquiring billions of rounds of ammunition. The Department of Agriculture recently requested body armor as well as sub machine guns. Many other instruments of war have been stored and deployed.



  1. This is all his plan to declare Martial Law. I said it 3 years ago. The man is a Communist Dictator.

  2. It's all going to come down to who the military sides with. Maybe I am fooling myself, but I still believe there are soldiers who love their country and will uphold their sworn duty to defend us from all enemies, foreign and domestic. At this point in our history, our biggest threat is domestic. However it shakes out, lots of people are going to die and this once great country will lie in ruins because of an evil government and a society too stupid to realize it until the it's too late.


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