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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Palin Says Illegals Get Better Care Than Veterans, To Some Degree

Well, Team Obama and Democrats certainly works harder to make sure that illegals are treated better overall (video available at Mediaite)

(Politico) Sarah Palin says illegal immigrants are getting better health care than the country’s vets.

“In many respects, illegal aliens in our country today are receiving better health care, more benefits than our troops,” Palin said in an interview on Thursday with FOX’s “Hannity” at the Republican Leadership Conference.

Addressing the scandal at the Department of Veterans Affaris, Palin and host Sean Hannity made comparisons between Guantanamo Bay and the VA, claiming that the ratio of doctors to prisoners is 1 for every 1.5, while the VA has a ratio of 1 doctor for every 35 vets.

When Hannity called the VA a “death trap,” Palin agreed.


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