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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dick Cheney: Obama Is “Very, Very Weak… The Weakest of My Lifetime” (Video)

“I think the perception around the world is increasingly negative. But, I think the main focus in on our president. He’s very, very weak, maybe the weakest certainly in my lifetime. I know from my own experience in a recent trip through the Middle East spending several days talking with folks I’ve dealt with all the way back to Desert Storm, they are all absolutely convinced that the American capacity to lead and influence events in that part of the world has been dramatically reduced by this president.”



  1. How can a man so weak destroy the U.S. and most of the world?

  2. I can say that I never hated any man until Obama . I pray for his destruction and also his wife.

  3. No Dick, "American capacity to lead and influence events" was dramatically reduced after you committed 100+k troops to a 10 yr conflict based off a false premise and the promise of big bucks for your corporate buddies, all while still not having a real strategy to get the terrorists who hit us on 9/11. Plenty of critique to go after Obama on, but Dick is the last person that needs to be giving advice or commentary.

  4. I don't care if Dick did give the commentary, he's right on the money - what Obama absolutely intended to do, he did, destroyed a great nation, now he can go to Kenya or the deep dark jungle somewhere and live the rest of his days with the lions and tigers and that would make me real happy.

  5. 7:23 False premise? Like a youtube video? False premise like 10,000 kurds gased to death? False premise like "if you like your plan you can keep your plan"?

    The terrorists who hit us on 9/11 were all DEAD. Dick and George had OBL and Al Qaeda disorganized and on the run or hiding. Hussein Obama has weaponized them and even used the U.S. military at their behest in Libya while training them in Jordan.
    Dick has sack. Obama talks big and carries a twig. Obama is a bareback brokeback and you're a fool. A Socialist liberal troll fool. LOL!

  6. Posts like this bring out the very best in commentors.I anticipated a great disparity in opinions.Personally,I wish for a day when each and every country on earth can actually defend and maintain themselves,without aid and intervention from the US.What we stand for is one thing.What we can afford to implement is another.This burning the candle at both ends is a poor business practice.

  7. Sick is the proper description for Ob'

  8. He's absolutely correct. The entire world knows Obama is nothing but lip service and is a paper tiger. How can any foreign power respect a liar, traitor and a person with no courage, honor or code. Mr. Putin would be a better U.S. president than this piece of kenyan garbage. Have we had enough yet???

  9. Why can't this clown be impeached for his lies and blatant destruction of our economy and national defense capability?

  10. Chuck Cook Hates Teabaggers said...

    No Dick, "American capacity to lead and influence events" was dramatically reduced after you committed 100+k troops to a 10 yr conflict based off a false premise and the promise of big bucks for your corporate buddies, all while still not having a real strategy to get the terrorists who hit us on 9/11. Plenty of critique to go after Obama on, but Dick is the last person that needs to be giving advice or commentary.

    May 31, 2014 at 7:23 AM

  11. Anonymous said...
    Why can't this clown be impeached for his lies and blatant destruction of our economy and national defense capability?

    May 31, 2014 at 10:09 PM

    He can be, but Congress is spineless.


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