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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Obama to claim credit for economy-killing EPA plan

President Obama will personally drive the next nail into the coffin of America’s economy next week, proudly announcing harsh new Environmental Protection Agency restrictions on energy.

It won’t just be power plants that feel the new Clean Air Act restrictions expected Monday. Expect the president to brag about “flexibility,” which is a bureaucratic way of spreading the burdens so they will fall on consumers all across the country. The result may be delayed by lawsuits that challenge the regulations, but will in the end cause what candidate Mr. Obama long ago promised would be “skyrocketing” electric bills under his energy agenda.

Why? For the salvation of mankind.

On something simpler, like deciding if there’s wrongdoing within the Veterans Administration, Mr. Obama insists on more study. But on supposed man-made climate destruction of Planet Earth a hundred years from now, he claims the debate is over: New regulations must dictate that we kill America’s economy now, lest our economy kill the planet in a century or so.

It’s as though the Terminator came back and visited Mr. Obama, spooking him with visions of an apocalypse-yet-to-come. More likely, what he actually saw were just the special effects that Hollywood is so fond of.



  1. Obama's renewable energy policy is being pushed at any and all cost.
    Destroying the environment in order to save it makes no sense.
    Look into the wind energy scam. It destroys wildlife and the environment while producing an miniscule amount of energy.
    Too bad James Mathias is supporting the destruction of our environment and economy by supporting wind turbines in Somerset County and Ocean City shoreline.

  2. no doubt MOM, Norm & Jim will be the biggest cheerleaders for this con.

  3. Obama will kill the US coal industry. And then, all that coal will be loaded onto ships and sold to China and India, who will then burn it in substandard coal fired electrical plants. There will be more global pollution as a result of these new regs. Liberalism always generates the opposite of its stated intent. Always.

  4. 10:31. Tell that to the many countries around the world (and several places in the US) who are powering entire cities with wind power. What's wrong with using alternative energy sources where they make sense ALONG with fossil fuels. If the area is windy all the time, use wind power, sunny all the time use solar, still need more power, burn coal and fossil fuels. It's amazing to me that the very people who claim the environmentalists are killing the oil and coal industry have no problem using the environment to justify their position on no wind power. Let's face it, no man made production of energy will leave the environment untouched.


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