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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Baltimore Dine & Dasher Sentenced To 5 Years For Skipping $89 Meal

The man known as “Dine and Dasher” for his repeated attempts to avoid paying for meals by faking illnesses will finally face some real jail time.

On Oct. 26, 2013, 47-year-old Andrew Palmer ordered an $89 meal at Oliver Speck’s Eats and Drinks just before the restaurant closed. When he got his bill, Palmer slumped over in his chair and appeared to be unconscious. Employees at the restaurant called 911.

But when paramedics responded to the scene, they immediately recognized Palmer, who they each treated at least five prior times for false emergency calls at restaurants.



  1. Wait till the black college students take over the beach. They are known for ramped dine and dashing where ever they go. These criminals are savages who rape, steal and murder. The only reason they are in college is because they are going for free on our dime through Federal hand outs. Cut them off and make them work for a living.

  2. Lol 1219 generalize much?

  3. He got 5 years suspended.

  4. Anonymous said...
    Lol 1219 generalize much?

    May 31, 2014 at 3:04 PM

    It's a Fact Jack!

  5. 1219-After working 4 summers in OC, the fact is, I chased down a helluvalot more white people for dining/dashing than any other race. I don't know why anyone does it, but from my personal experience, it's about 3:1 whites/other races.

  6. 3:08 are you illiterate?

    He is facing another 5 years for breaking probation on previous convictions. 10 years in total in prison.

  7. Anonymous said...
    1219-After working 4 summers in OC, the fact is, I chased down a helluvalot more white people for dining/dashing than any other race. I don't know why anyone does it, but from my personal experience, it's about 3:1 whites/other races.

    May 31, 2014 at 5:20 PM

    The discussion was about how many and who will be dining and dashing this week.

    It's soft hearted liberals like you that allow these thugs to get away with their crime because your blinders are on.

    BTW was it really your job to "chase down" white people. Your statistics mean nothing as you are one person represent your experience. It doesn't mean that what you saw was actuality.

  8. Hope you like lots of fats and carbs, 'cause that's what's on the menu for the next five years, scumbag. And I wouldn't try the fake seizure thing in the slam as an attention-getter. Neither medical staff nor population will put up with it for long. You will be pummeled.


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