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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Muslims Crucify Two Teen Boys for Being Christians

In another example of Islamic savagery, rebels in Syria (President Obama’s allies, remember?) have tortured and murdered many Christians in recent days. The reports of their violence are escaping the war torn nation in whispers and hushed rumor.

One such rumor comes out of the town of Maalouli, which is just north of Syria. Reports state that two young Christian boys were tortured and crucified by a Muslim mob for refusing to renounce Christianity. One of the young men was crucified in front of his father, who was then also murdered by the Muslim monsters. A similar incident took place just a few months ago - it seems crucifixion is becoming a favorite method of murder for the Islamists.



  1. But our gov't keeps telling us that they are a peaceful religion! How can this be?

  2. Not to worry. Obama will just send them another billion in foreign aid.

  3. aren't the muslims special??? send them back to their homeland and never let them come back again.

  4. Yeah they are real peaceful alright - chop your head off in a heart beat if they don't like the looks of you or what you do or stand for. Now that's really peaceful. Deport all of them including the POTUS.

  5. Religion of Peace?!

    Considering every time we turn around, we're hearing of some heinous act perpetrated by them - we should be allowed to hunt them like the animals they are!

    No, that doesn't sound PC - but if we don't do something, they'll sneak in Sharia law or commit another act of terrorism on our soil and our own government will take away more of our freedom like they did in 2011!

  6. We send two billion plus to israel
    ea. & every year - and what do we get in return ?

  7. 12:45 what are you talking about? Israel is the only country with the guts to stand up to the Arab world. Muslims in Israel have more freedom than they do in most muslim countries. Israelis live daily under the threat of attack -- and they know how to defend themselves. I have been to Israel and have seen all of this first hand. What more do you expect them to do? What facts do you have to back up your complaint (whatever it is, since its not at all clear)?

  8. Islam is a cancer and needs to be eradicated. In addition, islam is filthy and is comprised of degenerates. Anyone who shares an Islamic view should be eradicated by any means possible!

  9. 12:45 is either a troll or totally ignorant.. or most likely both.
    Consider the source and move on...

  10. Um, 2:25, read your comment and then tell me, as a Christian, how you just lowered yourself all the way to the bottom where Muslims are. You sound exactly like one of them. Just replace "Islam" with "Infidel" in your statement, and you are their equal opposite.

    Now, please, rethink.

  11. 12:45 You are obviously not informed enough to be taken seriously and not intelligent enough to investigate just a little before repeating nonsense. I agree wholeheartedly with 12:45-most likely both.

  12. Hitler was a Christian.

  13. 7:21, no. One may claim the name, but without action, there is no truth. Believe what he told the Jews, and you will become another victim.

    I am Christian by action, not verbal claim.

  14. Can we say tolerance.

  15. "Can we say tolerance."

    I tolerate those who want to co-exist with me. Why, exactly, should I 'tolerate' individuals who want me dead or enslaved simply because I don't share their religion? That's just stupid.

  16. Wrong Hitler was a Catholic there is a difference!

  17. But Obama and Moochelle says they are a peace loving religion?

    I still can't believe your President, Governor and Mayor are all Democrat and Gay.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Religion of Peace?!

    ....but if we don't do something, they'll sneak in Sharia law or commit another act of terrorism on our soil and our own government will take away more of our freedom like they did in 2011!

    May 23, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    You idiots let one of them sneak into the White House.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Islam is a cancer and needs to be eradicated. In addition, islam is filthy and is comprised of degenerates. Anyone who shares an Islamic view should be eradicated by any means possible!

    May 23, 2014 at 2:25 PM

    Democrat is a Cancer and needs to be eradicated!

  20. Anonymous said...
    Um, 2:25, read your comment and then tell me, as a Christian, how you just lowered yourself all the way to the bottom where Muslims are. You sound exactly like one of them. Just replace "Islam" with "Infidel" in your statement, and you are their equal opposite.

    Now, please, rethink.

    May 23, 2014 at 5:56 PM

    You are a Liberal Moron. What an idiot you are.

  21. Anonymous said...
    12:45 You are obviously not informed enough to be taken seriously and not intelligent enough to investigate just a little before repeating nonsense. I agree wholeheartedly with 12:45-most likely both.

    May 23, 2014 at 7:10 PM


  22. Anonymous said...
    Wrong Hitler was a Catholic there is a difference!

    May 25, 2014 at 2:05 PM

    Can you please explain your difference?

  23. Anonymous said...
    Can we say tolerance.

    May 24, 2014 at 7:21 AM

    Ask Nick Berg's family what they think about your "tolerance."


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