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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Even if you're not Catholic

When the Catholic Church was founded, there were no hospitals. Today, one out of five people in this country receive their medical care at a Catholic hospital.

When the Catholic Church was founded, there were no schools. Today, the Catholic Church teaches 3 million students a day, in its more than 250 Catholic Colleges and Universities, in its more than 1200 Catholic High Schools and its more than 5000 Catholic grade schools.

Everyday, the Catholic Church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other organization in the world.

The new Obama Health Mandate could end all this and the tax payers would have to make up the loss. Also, all Catholic adoption services would come to an end a human disaster.

There are more than 77 million Catholics in this country. It takes an estimated 50 million Catholic votes to elect a president. I am asking all of you to go to the polls in 2014 and be united in replacing all Senators and Reps with someone who will respect the Catholic Church, all Christians, and all Religions with the exception of Islam.

**Mr. President, you said**, "The USA is not a Christian Nation". You are 100% wrong we are a Christian Nation founded on Judeo-Christian values allowing all religions in America to Worship & Practice Freely. Something Islam will never do.

Oh, by the way, on MUSLIM HERITAGE IN America ....
Have you ever been to a Muslim hospital?
Have you heard a Muslim orchestra?
Have you seen a Muslim band march in a parade?
Have you witnessed a Muslim charity?
Have you seen Muslims shaking hands with a Muslim Girl Scouts?
Have you seen a Muslim Candy Striper?*
Have you ever seen a Muslim do anything that contributes positively to the American way of life?*


  1. I am a proud Catholic and I will be voting for any one but Democrats. Vote Republican only.

  2. Hey Catholics!
    Don't vote for Democrats.( or chuck Cook Communists)

  3. All well and good, but hard to get past their rampant child abuse, that continues today!

  4. One at a time some are using active brain cells!

  5. Have you ever seen a Muslim Pole Dancer?

  6. All part of the plan to shut down everything and everybody except government. That's how communism works.

  7. With all due respect to the Pope I wish he would redistribute his wealth first.

  8. Even the majority of Catholics have no idea how much the Catholic Church contributes to the homeless population.

  9. Considering that in the Middle Ages, the Muslim caliphate allowed Jews and Christians to worship freely at the same time Catholic Europe was persecuting Jews (and Orthodox Christians), it seems whoever wrote this doesn't know his history.

    The Catholic religion, for centuries, persecuted, killed, and tortured people of other faiths. There is also a long history in Islam of charity. In fact, it's one of the five Pillars of Islam.

    Clearly there are many Muslims who do bad things, just as there have been many Catholics throughout the centuries who have done bad things. But whoever wrote this has only a superficial understanding of Catholicism as well as Islam.

  10. Papist propaganda & ignorance - No schools before the c church - ya must learned that in parochial school

  11. 9:01-I am not a Catholic,but this article clearly emphasisizes "Today".If one wishes to dredge up past misgivings,many denominations would be on that list.You and I are clearly living in the present.The modern day Catholic Church cannot change the distant past.No one living today was around a thousand years ago (except for Jesus)and he forgives.

  12. I wish people would stop forwarding the false meme that this nation was "founded on Judeo-Christian Values". I have yet to see anyone substantiate this false claim.

    I am open to hearing anyone try to back it up, until someone can actually list the Values that are unique to judeo-christian religion that are not found in other cultures/religions, this claim is false.

    Anyone forwarding this claim is a liar... which last I checked was a fairly immoral thing to do in almost all cultures and religions, including Christianity.

  13. 11:55
    How about some of our laws?
    Don't kill
    Don't steal
    You think they just popped up out of the blue? You can't trace them back to Islam. They say it is ok to kill the nonbeliever.
    Read some of the history and books from what our founding fathers wrote. It is laced with verses from the bible.

  14. To 12:20, every single culture and every single religion has laws against stealing, murder, rape, etc. These are universal laws.

    Our nation was founded by Christians, without any doubt. But it's not founded on the Christian religion. They felt so strongly about it that they banned religious tests for office in the Constitution.

  15. Muslims are the parasites and filth of the universe. They contribute nothing but death and misery and should not be considered as part of the human race. Allah and muhammed are nothing but pig whores and their koran is not even worthy for toilet paper,

  16. @12:20

    How about some of your laws? Why don't you tell me what the bible says about rape? or the proper way to treat your slaves?

    This, this amazing moral fiber, is what you hold up as the foundation of the nation? I think not.

    @12:59 That is just about spot on.

  17. "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights"

    I'm kind of curious. What 'Creator' do you smart fellows think this constitutional quote is referencing? Hint - it ain't Allah.

  18. @3:56

    You mean the portion of the Declaration of Independence that was penned by primarily Deists?

    Don't you think, these brilliant men, who were exceptionally careful with their words, if they meant to reference Your particular sky daddy, don't you think they would have just said "God" or "Jahwe"?

    Why do YOU think they used, very specifically and carefully the words "their Creator"?

    Let me help you with that... they used those words SPECIFICALLY to show that they DIDN'T mean any particular deity. It was used to trump in any way the removal of our rights for any reason. To specify that our rights are inherent and they don't come from any government. Our founders were also primarily deists... and this is EXACTLY what you would expect a deist to pen to protect our rights being stripped by some sort of tyranny.

    Oh, and by the way, if you are a Muslim.. that passage of the Declaration of Independence WOULD be.... referring to Allah.

  19. There are no Judeo Values.
    Only Christian values.

    Judaism (Talmudian Majik) is a false religion. It hates Islam and vica versa. The Christians need to begin telling the truth about Judaism. Then, the Moslems will leave the Christians alone.

  20. You could twist it that way, 6:38, but it is neither fully accurate nor particularly original. However, let's examine the facts. Better than 50% of the signatories were Episcopalian. All were Christian. No less than 4 were practicing ministers. Whether intentional or otherwise, Judeo-Christian values are the bedrock of the country and are implicit in the founding documents. How could it be otherwise?

    Oh, and for the record, I have no 'sky daddy' in the game. I just despise revisionist history.

  21. Anonymous said...
    All well and good, but hard to get past their rampant child abuse, that continues today!

    May 23, 2014 at 7:21 AM

    Oh really! When was the last child abused by a Catholic? You said today? Can you prove it? When and where? Quit talking out of your ass because you don't know what you are talking about because you are just running your mouth with your hatred of Catholics and Christians.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Considering that in the Middle Ages, the Muslim caliphate allowed Jews and Christians to worship freely at the same time Catholic Europe was persecuting Jews (and Orthodox Christians), it seems whoever wrote this doesn't know his history.

    The Catholic religion, for centuries, persecuted, killed, and tortured people of other faiths. There is also a long history in Islam of charity. In fact, it's one of the five Pillars of Islam.

    Clearly there are many Muslims who do bad things, just as there have been many Catholics throughout the centuries who have done bad things. But whoever wrote this has only a superficial understanding of Catholicism as well as Islam.

    May 23, 2014 at 9:01 AM

    What a jerk. I bet you voted for Obama!

  23. Anonymous said...
    I wish people would stop forwarding the false meme that this nation was "founded on Judeo-Christian Values". I have yet to see anyone substantiate this false claim.

    I am open to hearing anyone try to back it up, until someone can actually list the Values that are unique to judeo-christian religion that are not found in other cultures/religions, this claim is false.

    Anyone forwarding this claim is a liar... which last I checked was a fairly immoral thing to do in almost all cultures and religions, including Christianity.

    May 23, 2014 at 11:55 AM

    I noticed that you didn't prove this country wasn't founded on Judeo-Christian Values. So based on your theory you are the liar.

  24. @9:55

    The burden of proof is with the person positing the claim. The claim is that America's was built on Judeo-Christian Values. To do that you have to specify WHICH values, how they are uniquely Judeo-Christian, and how they would differ from other Religions or Cultures.

    But for a moment, lets assume that your assumption that the burden of proof is otherwise. This would mean that anyone claiming Unicorns, Leprichans, and Invisible Pink Ponys exist could just simply say "Well, you didn't prove that they don't exist, so they must". See how ridiculous that is? That is why the burden of proof ALWAYS remains with the person positing the claim.

    I know, I know it hurts. Christians just LOVE that warm fuzzy feeling they get when they can say something that validates their irrational belief in a deity that hasn't a shred of evidence for existence... but it matters not how loudly you proclaim these ridiculous memes... at the end of the day the, so to say, emperor still wears no clothes.


    I would like nothing better than to be given facts proving that I am wrong so I could say so, and change my opinion. Please to post the inherently unique values that are, as you say, the "bedrock" of this country? I would really love to hear them!

    And, pray tell, (I just chuckled a little writing that..) why do think the founders, careful with their words as it were, chose NOT to specifically reference Jahwe in the founding documents, specifically the Constitution? As is posited by many here, that is who/what they meant... if so, why not just say it?

  25. "And, pray tell, (I just chuckled a little writing that..) why do think the founders, careful with their words as it were, chose NOT to specifically reference Jahwe in the founding documents, specifically the Constitution? As is posited by many here, that is who/what they meant... if so, why not just say it?"

    Already established - they were all Christians. Why would the distinction be necessary?

    And if my interpretation is wrong, it could be argued that the inclusion you see in the document may have had roots in Christian tolerance. And before you crow about it - not a universal trait, I'm aware.

    And because I think you are an intelligent person - you really need to distance yourself from the revisionist history so popular these days. Mostly feel-good claptrap, by and for the eternally gullible. Or do you want to believe that Jefferson was a closet Muslim, the Civil War was about slavery, blah,blah, blah? Look for books written in the 30's, 40's, and 50's. Excellent stuff without the trendy interpretation.

  26. The bottom line is there are extremist in all faiths. One can bend scripture to suit the needs of any hate group in any religion. We dont have to look far. Look at the abortion clinics that were bombed in this country. Look at the Boston Marathon. All these act defile the Christian docturine.

    Religion has been used to fuel wars for thousands of years. The truth is there is but one God. We should never kill nor profit from religion. The richest church in the world is the Catholic Church. Trust me the gained it by force. In later years years it was by faith of the congregation who tythe and leave possesions to the church.

  27. If only the atheist's knew how ignorant they sounded. They speak of Christ as if He is the tooth fairy. The Catholic Church was founded by Christ when He gave Peter the keys and said you are Peter and on this rock you will build my church. It is the Catholic Church that has the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Sin is everywhere and it enters every church. I wonder if God will sit there and listen to your excuses on your judgment day when he finds you are turning people against his church. I'm not sure where that is in scriptue. The church existed before the bible. You could not have the bible without the church. The Catholic Church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic. They believe in good works and faith through Gods grace. Lets not be tricked to focus on the sin but only on all of the good. Lets also not forget the many early catholic martyrs that fought for righteousness and freedom.


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