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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Gun bill would allow police to seize firearms, prevent purchases

Lawmakers reacted to the Santa Barbara shooting by announcing plans Tuesday for a bill to create a "gun violence restraining order"

Lawmakers reacted to the Santa Barbara shooting by announcing plans Tuesday for a bill to create a "gun violence restraining order."

The bill would establish a system in which concerned relatives, intimate partners or friends can notify police about someone showing a propensity toward violence, so police can investigate and seek a judge's order to seize that person's firearms and prevent any purchases.



  1. hmmm what about cars and knives? you can kill with those also, ummm in fact didn't he stab people to death??
    what about ticked off ex wives/husbands wanting to harass you.
    another knee jerk response which will resolve nothing.
    how about we try and address our mental health issues.
    Lets see my mentally unstable ex claims I am violent, so a non medical know nothing cop is going to determine whether I still have my right to own a gun?
    That's whacked.

  2. It's just another attempt to disarm their enemies-the law abiding taxpayer so there will be no resistance when the time comes. Wake the hell up America.

  3. Please vote in midterms to FLIP the SenateMay 31, 2014 at 4:04 PM

    Another Lawsuit the Oath Keepers and the NRA will have to file against King Obama and his Court members...

  4. Judges and lawyers are on our list , I hope they are eliminated.

  5. I'm right with you, 3;07 Lets address mental issues first and without the over use of psychotic drugs. Counseling a sober and alert human goes a long way, detaining the unresponsive can, too.


  7. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 31, 2014 at 11:50 PM

    Hey California, hows those ANTI GUNS WORKING for ya? So, the rich Hollywood kid whose daddy gave him $100.000 BMW is riding around and can't find a girlfriend, one day decides to stab his roommates with knives, then he shoots and kills female students and runs over others with his car, before killing himself. So now the Pelosi's and Fenstein's Anti Gun Witch Hunt Groups are up in arms about taking guns away from law abiding citizens. Wanna Ban Guns Again? What about Knives, Ban them Too? And Cars? I heard a Hammer was used, should we ban those as well? Where was the famous LAPD, you all crooks been telling us about? Oh, thats right, they checked on the kid, but that was nothing wrong with him, right? Just keep making more NO GUNS ALLOWED signs, so the criminals know where to go hunt for sitting ducks.


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