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Saturday, May 31, 2014

DelRicco Family Files Civil Suit Against Impaired Driver

SNOW HILL — An Ocean Pines man, serving a 10-year sentence for causing life-changing injuries to a then-18-month-old child, last week filed a motion to dismiss a civil suit brought against him and two businesses by the victims’ family.

On Dec. 16, 2011, Andre Kaczynski, 49, got in his vehicle while under the influence of drugs, drove across the Route 90 bridge, turned left on Coastal Highway and barreled up the roadway at speeds approaching 100 mph before crashing into the rear of a vehicle driven by Anne Marie DelRicco, who was stopped at a red light at 142nd Street. The force of the collision totaled the passenger car and seriously injured DelRicco and her then 18-month-old daughter Ava.

Kaczynski later pleaded guilty to all of the charges against him, including causing life-threatening injuries by motor vehicle while impaired by a controlled dangerous substance and was ultimately sentenced to 10 year in jail.



  1. He fell in love with Bubba his cell buddyMay 31, 2014 at 4:02 PM

    Andre just petitioned the Courts to change his name to ANDREA...

  2. While the government will provide services to this little girl for life, they are probably not as extensive or intensive as they might be, and will undoubtedly diminish over time.
    As for the family, the government offers only minimal economic assistance, that strictly linked to expenses.
    Parents and family caregivers need to be financially supported in a manner that will yield the best possible result for the child and the least possible upheaval to and burden on the family. Don't look for government social services to meaningfully do that. It's what the courts do for those with exceptional cases.

    Best of luck with your lawsuit! You deserve every penny and more.

  3. I'm with 446. Hope he had insurance and was not a deadbeat. God help these people.

  4. Following recent catastrophes nationwide,the government made it clear that the injured parties were more or less on their own.The Boston bombing comes to mind.Those who were injured & required extensive hospitalization depended heavily on private donations.The little girl in question will need more financial assistance than anyone will be willing to provide,private or government.Just watch & see.


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