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Sunday, May 18, 2014

‘Donald Sterling Is a Racist’

Donald Sterling, Los Angeles Clippers owner, was recorded by his mistress making some crude racist remarks. Since then, Sterling’s racist comments have dominated the news, from talk radio to late-night shows. A few politicians have weighed in, with President Barack Obama congratulating the NBA for its sanctions against Sterling. There’s little defense for Sterling, save his constitutional right to make racist remarks. But in a sea of self-righteous indignation, I think we’re missing the most valuable lesson that we can learn from this affair — a lesson that’s particularly important for black Americans.

Though Sterling might be a racist, there’s an important “so what?” Does he act in ways commonly attributed to racists? Let’s look at his employment policy. This season, Sterling paid his top three players salaries totaling over $46 million. His 20-person roster payroll totaled over $73 million. Here are a couple of questions for you: What race are the players whom racist Sterling paid the highest salaries? What race dominated the 20-man roster? The fact of business is that Sterling’s highest-paid players are black, and 85 percent of Clippers players are black. Down through the years, hundreds of U.S. corporations have faced charges of racism, and many have been subjects of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission investigations, but none of them had such a favorable employment and wage policy as Sterling. How does one explain this? People with limited thinking ability might conclude that Sterling is a racist in his private life but a nice card-carrying liberal in his public life, manifested by his hiring so many blacks, not to mention paying Doc Rivers, the Clippers’ black head coach, a healthy $7 million a year. The likelier explanation is given no attention at all.



  1. Not to mention his concubine should be arrested for illegally recording a private conversation! Did Obama have anything to say about breaking the law? No. Only about the "percieved" racist comments.

  2. It was a private conversation in his home. The recording was illegal and should not have been released to the public. I don't agree what he said, but I do believe that he has a right to his opinions and unless free speech has been outlawed, he should be allowed to say whatever he wants without fear from the media or government. If he said this in a public place in a public forum, then he is fair game.

  3. He was sleeping with a black female. Trying desperately to get more attention from black female. It's all "media motivated".

  4. Black people should have to go this one alone.That would be hilarious if no whites pitched in and they had to destroy this guy all by themselves.Would that be half ass or what?

  5. So he's a Racist, at least you know where he stands, and is not being fake, like a lot of folks. They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. Most would rather die than have a black marry their daughter, or much less impregnate her!

  6. Perhaps the author should look at the years of documented incidents of racist behavior in many of his other dealings.

    117I, you are right and he is entitled to his opinion. His problem is that he entered into a business venture that allows the group to legally kick you out if they feel you are hurting their monetary interests. His product is based on media so of course "live by the sword, die by the sword". He has never had any threat of government action from this incident.

  7. 5-15-14
    Him being a billionaire, do you really think he cares what a gaggle of big mouthed blacks with EMPTY pockets think? Its a well known fact that these so called 'Sports Idols' can`t manage the wealth they`ve stumbled on because they know how to bounce a basketball. That involves business strategy and some knowledge of budgeting. In these arenas they are bankrupt because it isn`t a 'game'. They pay lawyers and agents absorbant fees to do for them and be their mouthpieces because when it comes to the retaining of the dough they`ve made they just don`t have it. Most of the time, the above bleed them dry and they wind up pennyless, and rightfully so.
    Donald Sterling has made enough money and has 'retained it' to 'own' a team for his own amusement.I see and hear all the tongue wagging yet all the woofers to date haven`t come up with the money to change anything.
    The above is why Donald Sterling hasn`t regarded them in the least and I don`t blame him. This could also be why he doesn`t wish to associate with them because it IS beneath his station to hob-nob with those who want to manage an asset they DON`T OWN!

  8. I'm an sick of seeing this losers face on the news daily. Can we move on please!!!!!

  9. His freedom of speech was violated.

  10. A few politicians have weighed in, with President Barack Obama congratulating the NBA for its sanctions against Sterling.

    But Obammie has yet to say anything about he racist buddy Rev. Wright God damning America and wanting to kill white people.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm an sick of seeing this losers face on the news daily. Can we move on please!!!!!

    May 15, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    Why is he a loser? Because you say so. I be you wish you had his money you loser.

  12. Well said, Bob!

  13. First, Sterling has nothing to apologize for - in truth, he is the one who should be outraged. I hope he fights this crap and sues everyone involved. He has the money and the experience to drag these hypocrites thru the court system for years. What a legacy that would be! Especially the she-he who recorded him, and the phallus with ears NBA commish.

  14. 4:48- In what way? He faces no government penalty for what he said. Do you even know what the First Amendment actually says?

  15. I wish he would get a contract out on Sharpton , Jackson , Pelosi and a few others.
    He has the money , wouldn't that be sweet?

  16. Wasn't Sterling in the privacy of his own home during the recording of his racist remarks?
    I can only imagine what some of the black people whining about Sterling's remarks say about us Crackers behind our backs in the privacy of their own homes.

  17. Another state run media distractionMay 15, 2014 at 11:10 PM

    Sterling's personal opinion is his personal opinion, he has a right to it however disgusting to most. His agreement to uphold the NBA constitution will be his pitfall. The salaries he's paid his players has more to do with the NBA players union than his generosity. This was a waste of a team for decades because Sterling as an owner didn't want to pay the big bucks to retain big name talent. The NBA conveniently stepped in with the whole Chris Paul deal a few years ago because of the major media market that LA is. Sterling is no than different than the rest of the elitist who view anyone who's not a billionaire as useless chattel. This is a distraction for our controlled media to play out for months, as well as a globalist in fighting hostile takeover of a major market NBA franchise. Sterling pissed off his illuminati buddies with his little manstress/mistress ( have you seen her?) Now can we please get back to the fleecing of our constitution and the corporate/banking takeover in progress?

  18. So, the man gave a little biscuits and cupcakes to satisfy the players. He's making zillions of dollars off the backs of these black players. And to top it off, he show no respect for the players who made him zillions.

  19. I flipped on a video on another channel earlier this evening and there were five African American men of various ages, probably between 20 and 30 years old. They were being asked their opinion on several items. In that three minute clip I bet they used the "N" word 20 times. I immediately thought of this Donald Sterling who is fined 2.5 million dollars, banned for life from an organization and they are going to take a potential 575 million dollar "property", the team, away from him for speaking about "black men."

    He did not use the "N" word. He asked a women who he was either sleeping with or trying to sleep with to not bring "blacks" to his games, or to be photographed with "black men" and stated, "How do you think that makes me look?"

    To me, that is a jealousy issue over her being seen there with black men when he considers that she is "with" him, or he would like her to be.

    Regardless, maybe he is just racist. But when did calling an African American a "black" man become the new "N" word and why can five African American use the "N" word 20 times in a three minute video and yet all of these sanctions can be taken against a "white" man for simply speaking his opinion in the privacy of his home, and using the BLACK word.

    I just don't understand why "we" would stand for this. Today it may be Donald Sterling. Tomorrow it may you and you may be in the privacy of your home speaking "your opinion" of an issue to a friend and suddenly you lose everything because your opinion is not in line with what others deem it should be.

  20. Another state run media distraction said...
    Sterling's personal opinion is his personal opinion, he has a right to it however disgusting to most. His agreement to uphold the NBA constitution will be his pitfall. The salaries he's paid his players has more to do with the NBA players union than his generosity. This was a waste of a team for decades because Sterling as an owner didn't want to pay the big bucks to retain big name talent. The NBA conveniently stepped in with the whole Chris Paul deal a few years ago because of the major media market that LA is. Sterling is no than different than the rest of the elitist who view anyone who's not a billionaire as useless chattel. This is a distraction for our controlled media to play out for months, as well as a globalist in fighting hostile takeover of a major market NBA franchise. Sterling pissed off his illuminati buddies with his little manstress/mistress ( have you seen her?) Now can we please get back to the fleecing of our constitution and the corporate/banking takeover in progress?

    May 15, 2014 at 11:10 PM

    This was just a distraction to the fleecing our Constitution and the banking take over. Everyone that supports or voted for Obama and ANY Democrat is a traitor to our country.

  21. Anonymous said...
    So, the man gave a little biscuits and cupcakes to satisfy the players. He's making zillions of dollars off the backs of these black players. And to top it off, he show no respect for the players who made him zillions.

    May 16, 2014 at 12:45 AM

    You are a typical democrat that tells enough lies until someone believes it. Those "black players" are making more than enough money playing for his team. No athlete deserves to get paid what they are being paid.

  22. 7:00 am I agree. He said nothing that was racist. Ignorant white people make this racist because it is the feel good thing to do. Blacks take advantage of it to further their agenda. We have a sad country when they do nothing but thrive on "racism."

  23. Oprah Winfrey Jay Zee Eric Holder and Barack Obama are racists too...what are you going to do about it?


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