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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Busy Cruisin’ Weekend Launches Summer Season With Huge Crowds, Major Traffic Backups; City Officials, Promoter To Review Event

OCEAN CITY — A lively debate ensued among the business and residential sectors this week over the Cruisin’ event with critics maintaining it needs major changes and supporters welcoming it as one of the busiest times of the year.

Throughout the course of the weekend and early part of the week, Ocean City residents vented on social media their frustrations over massive traffic backups, infrastructure damage to roads caused by the thousands of classic cars in town spinning out and the massive amounts of litter left behind by irresponsible visitors. In fact, one long-time Ocean City resident described the event in a letter to the editor as “broken” and in need of massive changes before the town hosts it again.

“Why are these people allowed to flaunt our laws? We have an ordinance for noise (broken), an ordinance against public drinking (broken), an ordinance against speeding and reckless driving (broken), and an ordinance against illegal trailer parking (broken). I wouldn’t want to be the one to explain our hypocrisy to visitors charged with those same violations later on this summer,” wrote resident Gabriel Mancini. “The business of Ocean City, that is to say, our image, our “brand”, is suffering from this ill-planned, poorly executed event. How many people didn’t come down because of the Cruisers? How many people will never be back? This weekend was an embarrassment to the Town of Ocean City.”



  1. They can have it. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, I avoid OC completely. It's not a fun place to go anymore, and definitely no longer a family place to go. Instead, I choose the Outer Banks where there are plenty of beaches to visit and things to do and the ocean is 10 degrees warmer. The eastern shore is no more than an access route to OC or Rehobeth.

  2. We avoid O.C. during Cruisers weekend. While bike week is also noisy and crowded,they are much more organized and better behaved.

  3. 8:40 - Wish people would stop talking about the Outer Banks. It's getting so crowded people on the beach next to you can hear you without having to shout.

  4. I witnessed a corvette spinning it wheels and lose control and almost go onto the sidewalk in front of Endless Summer Surf Shop. Two grown men had to jump out of the way in fear of their lives. It was very scary. Why is this tolerated by OC? $$$$

  5. We also avoid OC during Cruisers weekend.
    Went to springfest for the first time in 8 years. It will be another 8 before I go back. People were rude, parking as a nightmare. The only high point was the cinnamon bread from the amish shop.

  6. Mr Rothermel is also President of the Worcester County Board of Education - there are no problems there either.........

  7. To all my Brothers & Sisters with OCPD, be careful, be safe, watch your 6 & keep your head on a swivel.

  8. The cruisers are also the cheapest crowd that comesfor an event. "But I'm from PA, we're supposed to be no driving jerks"

  9. I LOVE going to Ocean City anytime! We are so blessed to live so near Assateague and OC, I think.

  10. 9:15. Absolutely. Many OC events are poorly planned. It took us an hour to get from the Alamo (in front of it on 50- not there lol) to the foot of the bridge the weekend of the Ward World Championships because someone thought it was a good idea to run a 5k across the bridge. Really?

  11. As a classic car owner I no longer attend this event. I am not going to risk my car because some dumbas%& wants to SHE WHAT SHE WILL DO. You would think after twenty plus years they would be able to control this event. However money rules By the way I was never dumb enough to pay to enter the beach parking lot this LOOK AT ME CROWD needs to grow up.

  12. 9:15--
    Bob doesn't run this event, might want to check your facts before spitting venomous comments. I don't know who's running against him for his seat this time, but given the comment & anonymous posting, I'm willing to bet you do.
    Most of the people who come for this event that behave badly aren't even registered in the event, so how are the promoters to control them?? None of the car guys I know would threaten the safety of others nor their $35, 000 paint job to act stupidly.

  13. The funniest part of the article is the guy complaining the loudest. That fat punk is well known in his own neighborhood (Little Salisbury) for speeding, running stop signs, and tailgating. Heaven help you if you come to a complete stop or drive the speed limit when he's behind you, particularly in the late afternoon when he's coming home. He acts like a maniac, swerving, speeding, ignoring stop signs...hey, just like those cruisers he wants to criticize. What a hypocrite.

  14. Blogger Jack K Richards said...
    To all my Brothers & Sisters with OCPD, be careful, be safe, watch your 6 & keep your head on a swivel.

    May 24, 2014 at 9:29 AM

    So, if they are your bros and sisters, that would make you as corrupt as they are. Nice family you got there. Maybe you should have a family reunion and somebody could throw a 'pineapple' in the midst of all of you.

  15. 11:33 You are in idiot. You just cant fix stupidity

  16. Blogger Jack K Richards said...
    11:33 You are in idiot. You just cant fix stupidity

    May 25, 2014 at 12:33 AM

    Well am I an idiot or am I stupid? I can't be a stupid idiot because then I would be related to you.

    But I/we don't expect much from your kind. We know you all have low IQ's or you wouldn't have been hired as thugs, er, I mean cops.

    Whatsthematter, you can't make any friends down in Fla.? You got nothing better to do at 2am on a Saturday night but troll this blog and pretend you know what you are talking about?

    That's why you moved to Fla. isn't it? Everyone avoided you here so you moved down there thinking even you could be smarter than Fla. cops and might make a friend or two.

    Looks like you are wrong again. Even the dumber than normal cops in Fla. are smarter than you and avoid you too.

    Sucks to be retired and no one to talk to or hang out with except alligators don't it?

    That's ok, I don't mind. Maybe, with a little luck, we can teach you a thing or two.

    If not, you still have the gators. I just hope you are at least smarter than them and you won't be their dinner.

  17. OC Cruiser car show at the inlet parking lot...no problem--nice event. WE hate the other car cruisers with loud mufflers, racing, spinning/squealing tires, roaring motors, black exhaust smoke, etc. bad problem. I hope next year OC will be ready to enforce the laws against the lawbreakers by asking for and receiving more police from other agencies.

  18. Progressive generalizations are a joke.. they whine and cry when anyone who is not considered within their Rainbow of Dysfunction who has a hobby or pastime ..they can take their Cyclists arrogantly daring anyone to pass them and their opinions and go to Rehoboth Beach where they have commandeered the entire Culture. Leave the Good old Boys alone.. pretty soon we can all get together in agreement related to menace caused by the June Bugs.

  19. My my, the genuine hospitality and open arms of the good natured eastern shore folks sure does radiate from the posts on the blog. It could be why OC brings in workers from elsewhere, no businesses want to open in the area and you can hardly give away any real estate unless it is section 8 approved.

  20. OC local and the only people complaining are old come here's from all over buying foreclosed condos and not knowing it is not a sleepy town like Bethany,they are trying to do the same with Dewey.

  21. you can hardly give away any real estate unless it is section 8 approved.

    May 25, 2014 at 3:54 PM

    I guess it's been awhile since you tried to buy land, if you have ever tried.

  22. I don't buy land cuz I ain't no farmer w/ a redneck.

  23. 5/24 @ 5:29 - what is a "producer"? where is the "venom"?

  24. Locals, when you bought in OC you knew it is a beach resort. Tourist pour in May to September, and the rest of the year is yours. OC could not make it without the tourist. You would not buy a house in Las Vegas and complain about the gambling to the county counsel. Live with the activity for four months, business's would close if not for tourist, OC would be dead.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't buy land cuz I ain't no farmer w/ a redneck.

    May 25, 2014 at 9:46 PM

    then shut up

  26. LOL 2:21 is that the best you can do with a limited education and no command of the english language? Maybe your math skills aren't much better and that is why you think that the real estate market is sound in Wicomico county.

  27. 3:32 We should be so lucky, to be like Rehoboth.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    LOL 2:21 is that the best you can do with a limited education and no command of the english language? Maybe your math skills aren't much better and that is why you think that the real estate market is sound in Wicomico county.

    May 26, 2014 at 3:11 PM

    I didn't think I had to write a paragraph to tell some idiot to shut up. I never made any reference to any position of the real estate market in Wicomico County or anywhere else for that matter.

    And since you admitted you don't buy real estate, you don't have a clue about your OWN subject, nor any comprehension on the replies thereof.

    Now, after you have been exposed for the nincompoop you really are, now maybe you would shut up?


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