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Friday, May 30, 2014


The National Park Service assembles a team to mark historic places and people in the country's lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual movement. A panel of scholars will name sites to be considered as national monuments, national historic landmarks or listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Park Service says the study will help ensure it is telling a complete story of America's heritage and history. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell will launch the initiative tomorrow at New York's Stonewall Inn where a riot took place in 1969. It is the only LGBT-associated site that the Park Service has designated as a national historic landmark.


  1. BARF!!

    Just think every time you hear a Homo speak he will have e-coli on his breath!

  2. This is gross. We are going to be the laughing stock of the world for years to come.

    Gay sex is immoral and sick. Most gay men are pansies and are already laughed at.

  3. Anything and everything to keep the press busy with "important" stuff unlike the VA, IRS, Benghazi, EPA....


  4. Hang a plaque on Capital Hill where we all took it in the shorts by their funding of this nonsense.

  5. The Eastern Shore...still a bastion of tolerance. It's amazing; like going back 75 years in time.


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